UK source: Buying tools, etc?


10+ Year Member
Anyone know an online resource, pref. in the UK, for stuff like:
grapeseed oil
glas vials
.... ec.

Preferably a UK site, and with quality being 100% US is too expensive. I've found " " but I don't know if it's legit. Little info about them online, including reviews. Also, I am not advertising for them. I am making an inquiry.( Mods, delete the link if you worry I'm advertising.)
Ive bought stuff from them. Theyre legit but there was a bit of a problem while ordering. They didnt send me eveything i asked, wich was a pain in the ass, but when i contacted the guy he sent the rest. Also, you have to freqking spam this guys email if you want him to get you any response... He doesnt answer almost ever! Anyways, i got my stuff, and everything is alright now.
I have found a Netherlands web where they sell some lab supplies but i really can't find almost anything i search cause its all written in Dutch . I would really hope if someone posts a good European lab supplies website . I have found though some companies selling things separety . Some sell vials , some filters .

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