Understanding Esters, Active-Life and Half-Life Steroid Half life's

Can we please quit the arguing and get this thread back on track? Good grief.
Complaining about a discussion on a discussion board seems rather, hmm. Weird.

Or maybe the discussion about esters and their half life isn't appropriate in this thread about "Understanding esters active life and half life steroid half lifes..."
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It' simple math..
For instance,
500mg ÷2÷2÷2÷2÷2 = 15.625mg Left in your system after 5 half lives have past.
5,000mg ÷2÷2÷2÷2÷2 = 156.25mg left in your system after 5 half lives.

Therefore it would take longer for a larger dose to clear..
It' simple math..
For instance,
500mg ÷2÷2÷2÷2÷2 = 15.625mg Left in your system after 5 half lives have past.
5,000mg ÷2÷2÷2÷2÷2 = 156.25mg left in your system after 5 half lives.

Therefore it would take longer for a larger dose to clear..
They are stating that outside of "therapeutic doses" which is a horrible term to use, that it will change the half life.

I understand what you are saying and I am not contradicting that!
Read this :)

Elimination half-life of drugs: value and limitations.

Elimination half-life of drugs: value and limitations. - PubMed - NCBI

A drug's half-life of elimination from plasma or serum has long been considered a familiar and important pharmacologic property. In fact, elimination half-life has limitations, and its value has been overestimated. Elimination half-life is a dependent variable, related directly to volume of distribution and inversely to clearance. Changes in drug distribution as well as in rate of clearance can alter elimination half-life. Half-life also has limitations as a predictor of a drug's duration of pharmacologic action after single doses, which is related more to distribution than to elimination or clearance. During multiple dosage, elimination half-life does have value in predicting the rate and relative extent of drug accumulation, as well as the rate of washout after termination of treatment. Clinicians should consider volume of distribution and clearance, in addition to elimination half-life, when evaluating the pharmacokinetic properties of drugs.
It' simple math..
For instance,
500mg ÷2÷2÷2÷2÷2 = 15.625mg Left in your system after 5 half lives have past.
5,000mg ÷2÷2÷2÷2÷2 = 156.25mg left in your system after 5 half lives.

Therefore it would take longer for a larger dose to clear..

I m not talking about that
Found it....can you guys add to it if anything missing

\100mg Testosterone Suspension (un-esterified Testosterone) = 100mg Testosterone

100mg Testosterone Acetate = 83mg Testosterone

100mg Testosterone Propionate = 80mg Testosterone

100mg Testosterone Isocaproate = 72mg Testosterone

100mg Testosterone Enanthate = 70mg Testosterone

100mg Testosterone Cypionate = 69mg Testosterone

100mg Testosterone Phenylpropionate = 66mg Testosterone

100mg Testosterone Decanoate = 62mg Testosterone

100mg Testosterone Undecanoate = 61mg Testosterone

100mg Trenbolone Acetate = 87mg Trenbolone

100mg Trenbolone Enanthate = 70mg Trenbolone

100mg Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate = 70mg Trenbolone

100mg Nandrolone Phenylpropionate = 67mg Nandrolone

100mg Nandrolone Decanoate = 64mg Nandrolone

100mg Drostanolone Propionate = 80mg Drostanolone

100mg Drostanolone Enanthate = 70mg Drostanolone
Now is there a chart that shows how long each ester takes to break down in the body, or how long before you feel it. I know for cypionate its 4 weeks estimate based on bro-science. but I am looking for real tested times
These are the half lives I'm familiar with. Lately I've seen people posting crazy conservative half lives

I've looked at several graphs done for a single testosterone injection of each test cyp and enanthate and they all show enanthate being ~4.5 days and cyp being ~5.

OP: how can the half life of propionate be 2 days but the half life of testosterone propionate be 4.5 days if the half life of testosterone is anywhere from 10 to 100 minutes (this stuff isn't always the same from person to person or from injection to injection)?
hey guys can i get the math on how to calculate multiple shots? never tried before and due to the half life a bit confusing. want to make sure... so if i want 500 mgs per week of say test c what would that work out to? appreciate any help.