Unmixed peptides storage


New Member
I always kept my unmixed peptides at room temperature and then stored them in the fridge AFTER ONLY reconstituted.

Have I been doing this wrong all my life?

I have just read you should store your unmixed peptides in the fridge for extra security as long as they come in. Is this true?

How about condensation/moisture in the fridge? Is this not a problem?

Peptides I have: GH, BPC 157, TB 500, MT2.

What's your take on this? @Liska @Type-IIx
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I always kept my unmixed peptides at room temperature and then stored them in the fridge AFTER ONLY reconstituted.

Have I been doing this wrong all my life?

I have just read you should store your unmixed peptides in the fridge for extra security as long as they come in. Is this true?

How about condensation/moisture in the fridge? Is this not a problem?

Peptides I have: GH, BPC 157, TB 500, MT2.

What's your take on this? @Liska @Type-IIx

1. "Have I been doing this wrong all my life?"

-have you gotten results from any of those peptides?

2. All is not lost. I don't have have references on hand but compounds as lyophilized powders are more resilient than when reconstituted. Even some reconstituted peptides may be more resilient than previously thought.

So, keeping liquids in the fridge is a good idea. Storing powders at room temperature is probably not horrible but fridge to be safe.
1. "Have I been doing this wrong all my life?"

-have you gotten results from any of those peptides?

2. All is not lost. I don't have have references on hand but compounds as lyophilized powders are more resilient than when reconstituted. Even some reconstituted peptides may be more resilient than previously thought.

So, keeping liquids in the fridge is a good idea. Storing powders at room temperature is probably not horrible but fridge to be safe.
Do you know if peptides will keep longer in the freezer? I have 10x vials of bpc157 coming soon and I will probably only use half of it and keep the other half for a possible future injury..
Do you know if peptides will keep longer in the freezer? I have 10x vials of bpc157 coming soon and I will probably only use half of it and keep the other half for a possible future injury..

I don't know but if you have the room, can't hurt.

There are some studies cited here on freezing insulin. I know that's different, but maybe you can get some hints from the texts.