Upcoming blast help


Sup guys I’m planning on running a spring/summer blast in a month or two. Currently cruising at 150 mg test cyp, I’ve been bulking eating above maintenance the past 2 months since coming off my last blast. I’m thinking Var Mast p and test of course.. I’ll probably increase my test dose up to 4-500 and 50 mg var daily. I’ve never ran mast though, what’s the sweet spot for dosing and how long should I run it? I know it acts as a finisher/polisher once your lean enough so should I run it the last 6-8 weeks or? Let me know what you guys think. I want try mast this time because I’ve heard people have gotten great results on it stacked with stronger compounds and you feel good on it. My goal is to cut up a bit after this bulk before summer hits and also feel good at the same time. No trensomnia, rages of jealousy or fucking women who look like a bowl of grits lol
500 test 350 mast is a really nice, feel good blast.

It's not gonna be insane, you aren't gonna blow up, but you'll feel great, you'll feel strong, and you'll make good consistent progress if your training is up to snuff.
Im gonna stack it with Var and test obviously. Just gonna up from my cruise dose to 4-500. My body reacts good with var n test. I’m excited to see how I feel on mast and how it’s gonna help
can I run mast p for the whole 10-14 week cycle? I’ve always heard of people using it as a finisher but is there any reason I can’t run it from start to finish
can I run mast p for the whole 10-14 week cycle? I’ve always heard of people using it as a finisher but is there any reason I can’t run it from start to finish

You can, just more pinning.

Why not line all your drugs up with the same ester that allows the most Infrequent Injection frequency then 1, keeps your levels “steady”, 2, meets your needs for weekly oil volumes.

Less scar tissue the better.
can I run mast p for the whole 10-14 week cycle? I’ve always heard of people using it as a finisher but is there any reason I can’t run it from start to finish
I prefer mast e, so then it's an easy 2 a week or MWF deal.

Mast p is ED or EOD.

Dealers choice if you don't mind the frequency mast p tends to be a tad cheaper
@BigTomJ hey pal, i'm in the same boat as the OP currenty cruising at 215 test and in 15-20 days i'm gonna start cutting. Currently sitting at 240 but with 16-18% bf, planning to go down to ~220. I'm thinking to keep the T as is for a month and then titrate slightly up as i reduce calories. I have both mast and primo to throw while at the middle of the cut as well as some var for finisher for the last weeks, i'm planning a 16-20 weeks caloric deficit. I know mast compliments better leaner guys and the truth is i like some fullness too, do you think primo would be a better option? As for dosages i'm not intent to go high, somewhere like 250-300 test and 150-200 primo (depends on where e2 sits).
@BigTomJ hey pal, i'm in the same boat as the OP currenty cruising at 215 test and in 15-20 days i'm gonna start cutting. Currently sitting at 240 but with 16-18% bf, planning to go down to ~220. I'm thinking to keep the T as is for a month and then titrate slightly up as i reduce calories. I have both mast and primo to throw while at the middle of the cut as well as some var for finisher for the last weeks, i'm planning a 16-20 weeks caloric deficit. I know mast compliments better leaner guys and the truth is i like some fullness too, do you think primo would be a better option? As for dosages i'm not intent to go high, somewhere like 250-300 test and 150-200 primo (depends on where e2 sits).

Mast "compliments" leaner guys only in the vein of its cosmetic benefits. Performance wise it doesn't matter how lean you are.

I see mast and primo as being roughly interchangable in function and dosage. They both do very similar things, for a similar effect, at similar doses.
Which one you want to go with is your choice.
Mast is cheaper, but I personally prefer primo because I get a good sense of well-being on primo.
Mast "compliments" leaner guys only in the vein of its cosmetic benefits. Performance wise it doesn't matter how lean you are.

I see mast and primo as being roughly interchangable in function and dosage. They both do very similar things, for a similar effect, at similar doses.
Which one you want to go with is your choice.
Mast is cheaper, but I personally prefer primo because I get a good sense of well-being on primo.
Yeah i knew already you re a primo guy haha! Although i must say I'm seeing more guys stating a better well being state with mast than primo. As i already said i have both in my hands so maybe I'll chose later down the road depending on how diet and body composition is going with just test. Cheers!
Yeah i knew already you re a primo guy haha! Although i must say I'm seeing more guys stating a better well being state with mast than primo. As i already said i have both in my hands so maybe I'll chose later down the road depending on how diet and body composition is going with just test. Cheers!
yeah some people guy a sense of wellbeiong and "feel good" from mast as well.
I do, but anecdotally it just feels better with primo for me.

everyone is going to have a different response.

Enjoy your cut!
yeah some people guy a sense of wellbeiong and "feel good" from mast as well.
I do, but anecdotally it just feels better with primo for me.

everyone is going to have a different response.

Enjoy your cut!
Thanks bud!
You can, just more pinning.

Why not line all your drugs up with the same ester that allows the most Infrequent Injection frequency then 1, keeps your levels “steady”, 2, meets your needs for weekly oil volumes.

Less scar tissue the better.
You have a point. I’ve just always preferred short estered compounds because number one I’m impatient I want results quicker and two if I react poorly to a substance a shorter ester is out much faster. I’m gonna take some time and think about that though. Are there any key differences between mast p and e aside from ester? I mean they’re the same compound but I feel different on tren ace then tren e so I wonder if mast works the same way.
You have a point. I’ve just always preferred short estered compounds because number one I’m impatient I want results quicker and two if I react poorly to a substance a shorter ester is out much faster. I’m gonna take some time and think about that though. Are there any key differences between mast p and e aside from ester? I mean they’re the same compound but I feel different on tren ace then tren e so I wonder if mast works the same way.

I doubt you’ll have any sides serious enough to justify the quicker ester, unless you just want too, which is still ok.

I can’t speak to there being any differences between how they react (like tren A va E), but I’d doubt they do with such a mild compound.
just a rant. its weird when people say this.

Reminds me of saying "I dont want to do 400mg of test because I dont want to get huge"

If that is truly what it took to get huge, I think alot of us would be blasting super hard. lol
I’m just going to lift the light weights for high reps. Gonna stay away from heavy weights as I don’t want to get too big.
I’m just going to lift the light weights for high reps. Gonna stay away from heavy weights as I don’t want to get too big.
just a rant. its weird when people say this.

Reminds me of saying "I dont want to do 400mg of test because I dont want to get huge"

If that is truly what it took to get huge, I think alot of us would be blasting super hard. lol
It’s not weird lol. To each their own. I already have a lot of size for my height I’m 5’7 180. I’m not looking to walk around at 200 pounds jacked asf. It just doesn’t fit my frame.
I get what you’re saying though. A compound itself or a high dose of test isn’t gonna get anyone huge lol. Diet training sleep genetics play the biggest roles. I was just stating I have no interest in running a shit ton of gear. Maybe me saying “im not trying to blow up” was a poor choice of words. So touché brother. I walked right into that one lmao
I was thinking of blasting with test p so I could keep the esters the same. I do think I might be easier and a little more organized that way. I can just pin both compounds the same days. What do you guys think about cruising on test c and blasting on test p? They’re both test so that wouldn’t be an issue right?