us domestic source ?


New Member
hey guys so i came across this source that supposedly operates out of ma i cant find any reviews on him but says he is us domestic and has some really awesome prices by the looks of it but im assuming its gotta be to good to be true any one ever heard of cheap injectable steroids for sale in usa ? heres the list he emailed me only takes wu or mg wich i just dont feel safe using he also lists his prices in euro also so im pretty skeptical heres his list let me know what you guys think

Geneza Pharmaceuticals Injectable steroids

GP Bold 200 (Boldenone Undecylenate ) - $31.00
GP Deca 250 (Nandrolone Decanoate (10 ml vial 250 mg/ml)- $38.00
GP Mast 100 (Drostanolone Propionate )- $32.00
GP Mast 200 (Drostanolone Enanthate and Propionate )- $59.00
GP Phenyl 100 (Nandrolone Phenylpropionate )- $19.00
GP Prima 100 (Primobolan)- $59.00
GP Stan 50 (Stanozolol (10 ml vial 50 mg/ml)- $27.00
GP Test Cyp 250 (Testosterone Cypionate (10 ml vial 250 mg/ml)- $22.00
GP Test Enanth 250 (Testosterone Enanthate (10 ml vial 250 mg/ml- $22.00
GP Test Prop 100- $12.00
GP Test Prop 100 (Testosterone Propionate (10 ml vial 100 mg/ml)- $12.0
GP Tren Acetate 100 (Trenbolone Acetate (10 ml vial 100 mg/ml))- $42.00
GP Tren Enanth 200 (Trenbolone Enanthate (10 ml vial 200 mg/ml)- $67.00
GP Tren Hex 100 (Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate)- $69.00

Geneza Pharmaceuticals.
GP Methan 50 (dianabol)- $15.00
GP Oral Tren (Methyltrienolone),- $20.00
GP Oxan (Oxandrolone (50 tabs 10 mg/tab))- $48.00
GP Oxy (Oxymetholone (50 tabs 50 mg/tab))- $39.00
GP Stan 10 (Stanozolol (100 tabs 10 mg/tab)- $20.00
GP Stan 50 (Stanozolol (20 tabs 50 mg/tab))- $20.00

Nandrobolin (Nandrolone Decanoate) 1 Box X 10 AMPS 20$

Parabolin (Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate)
1 Box X 5 AMPS (76.5mg/1.5ml) 20$

TestoRapid (Testosterone Propionate)
1 Box X 10 AMPS (100mg/ml) 20$

Rexogin (Stanozolol) 1 Box X 10 AMPS (50mg/ml) 20$

Alphabolin (Methenlone Enanthate)
1 Box X 3 AMPS (1mg/ml) 20$

Boldebolin (Boldenone Undecylnate)
1 Box X 10 AMPS (250mg/ml) 23$

Mastebolin (Drostanolone Propionate)
1 Box X 10 AMPS (100mg/ml) 23$

NandroRapid (Nandrolone Phenylpropioante)
1 Box X 10 AMPS (100mg/ml) 20$

Induject-250 (4 Mix Testosterone)
1 x 10 AMPS 1ml (250mg/ml) 20$

Testobolin (Testosterone Enanthate)
1 Box X 10 AMPS 20$

Nandro (Nandrolone Propionate)
1 Box X 10 AMPS 20$

Nandrobolin (Nandrolone Decanoate)
1 Box X 10 AMPS (100mg/ml) 20$

Testocyp (Testosterone Cypionate)
1 Box X 10 AMPS 20$

Oxydrolone (Anadrol)
50 x 50mg Tablets 20$

Rexobol (Stanozolol)
50mg 50 x 50mg Tablets 23$

Oxanabol (Oxandrolone) 50 x 10mg
Tablets 20$

Thyro3 (T3-Liothyronine Sodium)
30 x 25mg Tablets 15$

Altamofen (Nolvedex) 50 x 20mg Tablets 16$

Balkan-PHARMA Injection
Parabolan (T-6HBC) 100mg x 5 amps 25$
SUSTAMED (Sustanon - testo mix) 5 x 250 mg amp 23$
AQUATEST (Testosterone suspension) 5 x 100 mg amp 23$
Primobol (methenolone enanthate) 100mg x 5 amps 23$
TESTOSTERON Propionat amplifier 5 x 100mg 23$
Testosterone Enantat amplifier 5 x 250mg 23$
TESTOSTERON CIPIONAT amplifier 5 x 200mg 23$
5 Amp nandrolone decanoate 200mg x 23$
Strombaject Aqua (Winstrol injection) 50mg/ml 20$
5 ampoules a 1ml 50mg/ml

Balkan-PHARMA Oral
Danabol (methandienone) 60 x 10mg tab 25$
STROMBAFORT (stanozolol) 10mg x 60 table 25$
Clenbuterol 60 mcg tables x 0.04 25$
60 x 10mg tab TURANABOL 45$
Anapolon (oximetholone) 60 x 50mg tab 70$
60 x 10mg oxandrolone tab 70$

Deca 250 (Nandrolone Decanoate) $22
Equipose 200 (Boldenone Undecylenate) $19
Masteron 100 (Drostanolone Propionate) $19
Masteron 200 (Drostanolone Propionate and Enanthate) $22
NPP 100 (Nandrolone Phenylpropionate) $14
Primobolan 100 (Methenolone Enanthate) $22
Sustanon 250 (Testosterone Blend) $19
Testosterone B100 (Testosterone Base) $14
Testosterone S100 (Testosterone Suspension) EURO 16 Trenbolone A100
(Trenbolone Acetate) $22
Trenbolone E200 (Trenbolone Enanthate) $22
Winstrol Depot (Stanozolol) $16
Clen 40mcg (Clenbuterol Hydrochloride) 120tabs $16
Anavar 20mg (Oxandrolone) 70tabs $65
Dbol 20mg (Methandienone) 70tabs $22
Boldaxyl 300 -10ml/vial..............
Duraxyl 100- 10ml/vial ..............12euro/15USD
Masteroxyl 100- 10ml/vial ...........17euro/22USD
Nandroxyl 250- 10ml/vial ............16euro/20USD
Primoxyl 100- 10ml/vial ............24euro/31USD
Sustaxyl 350- 10ml/vial.............14euro/18USD
Testoxyl Cypionate 250- 10ml/vial.......13euro/16USD
Testoxyl Enanthate 250- 10ml/vial........13euro/16USD
Testoxyl Propionate 100- 10ml/vial........12euro/15USD
Trenboxyl Acetate 100- 10ml/vial ........21euro/27USD
Trenboxyl Enanthate 200- 10ml/vial........24euro/31USD
Trinaxyl 150- 10ml/vial ................23euro/29USD
Dianoxyl 50- 20tabs/pack..................14euro/18USD
Oxandroxyl 10- 50tabs/pack................16euro/20USD
Primoxyl 25- 50tab/pack ..............30euro/39USD
Stanoxyl 10- 100taps/pack ...............14euro/18USD

Boldenone 250m 10ml 20euro/25usd
Stanozolol Injection 100mg 10ml 20euro/25usd
Testosterone Propionate 100mg 10ml 20euro/25usd
Testosterone Cypionate 250mg 10ml 20euro/25usd
Testosterone Suspension 10ml 20euro/25usd
Testosterone Suspension 10ml 20euro/25usd
Methandieone injects 100mg 10ml 20euro/25usd
Masteron Propionate 100mg 10ml 20euro/25usd
Masteron Enathate 200mg 10ml 20euro/25usd
Hygetropin Hygene 200 UI 25vials x 8 UI/309$
Genotropin Go Quick 12MG /36 UI Pfizer/123$
Norditropin Simplexx 30 IU (Somatotropin)
1 x 30IU (10 mg/1,5 ml)/258$
Kigtropin HGH 100iu (10 Vials of 10iu)/125$
RIPTROPIN BRAND hGH 100 iu kit/210$
OMNITROPE 30IU (10MG) - SOMATROPIN 10mg/1.5ml 30IU/230$
Jintropin 10IU(100IU/box)/243$
SAIZEN hGH (somatropin) 8mg./ 24IU Click Easy/225$
hey guys so i came across this source that supposedly operates out of ma i cant find any reviews on him but says he is us domestic and has some really awesome prices by the looks of it but im assuming its gotta be to good to be true any one ever heard of cheap injectable steroids for sale in usa ? heres the list he emailed me only takes wu or mg wich i just dont feel safe using he also lists his prices in euro also so im pretty skeptical heres his list let me know what you guys think
Sounds to good to be true !!!

Geneza Pharmaceuticals Injectable steroids

GP Bold 200 (Boldenone Undecylenate ) - $31.00
GP Deca 250 (Nandrolone Decanoate (10 ml vial 250 mg/ml)- $38.00
GP Mast 100 (Drostanolone Propionate )- $32.00
GP Mast 200 (Drostanolone Enanthate and Propionate )- $59.00
GP Phenyl 100 (Nandrolone Phenylpropionate )- $19.00
GP Prima 100 (Primobolan)- $59.00
GP Stan 50 (Stanozolol (10 ml vial 50 mg/ml)- $27.00
GP Test Cyp 250 (Testosterone Cypionate (10 ml vial 250 mg/ml)- $22.00
GP Test Enanth 250 (Testosterone Enanthate (10 ml vial 250 mg/ml- $22.00
GP Test Prop 100- $12.00
GP Test Prop 100 (Testosterone Propionate (10 ml vial 100 mg/ml)- $12.0
GP Tren Acetate 100 (Trenbolone Acetate (10 ml vial 100 mg/ml))- $42.00
GP Tren Enanth 200 (Trenbolone Enanthate (10 ml vial 200 mg/ml)- $67.00
GP Tren Hex 100 (Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate)- $69.00

Geneza Pharmaceuticals.
GP Methan 50 (dianabol)- $15.00
GP Oral Tren (Methyltrienolone),- $20.00
GP Oxan (Oxandrolone (50 tabs 10 mg/tab))- $48.00
GP Oxy (Oxymetholone (50 tabs 50 mg/tab))- $39.00
GP Stan 10 (Stanozolol (100 tabs 10 mg/tab)- $20.00
GP Stan 50 (Stanozolol (20 tabs 50 mg/tab))- $20.00

Nandrobolin (Nandrolone Decanoate) 1 Box X 10 AMPS 20$

Parabolin (Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate)
1 Box X 5 AMPS (76.5mg/1.5ml) 20$

TestoRapid (Testosterone Propionate)
1 Box X 10 AMPS (100mg/ml) 20$

Rexogin (Stanozolol) 1 Box X 10 AMPS (50mg/ml) 20$

Alphabolin (Methenlone Enanthate)
1 Box X 3 AMPS (1mg/ml) 20$

Boldebolin (Boldenone Undecylnate)
1 Box X 10 AMPS (250mg/ml) 23$

Mastebolin (Drostanolone Propionate)
1 Box X 10 AMPS (100mg/ml) 23$

NandroRapid (Nandrolone Phenylpropioante)
1 Box X 10 AMPS (100mg/ml) 20$

Induject-250 (4 Mix Testosterone)
1 x 10 AMPS 1ml (250mg/ml) 20$

Testobolin (Testosterone Enanthate)
1 Box X 10 AMPS 20$

Nandro (Nandrolone Propionate)
1 Box X 10 AMPS 20$

Nandrobolin (Nandrolone Decanoate)
1 Box X 10 AMPS (100mg/ml) 20$

Testocyp (Testosterone Cypionate)
1 Box X 10 AMPS 20$

Oxydrolone (Anadrol)
50 x 50mg Tablets 20$

Rexobol (Stanozolol)
50mg 50 x 50mg Tablets 23$

Oxanabol (Oxandrolone) 50 x 10mg
Tablets 20$

Thyro3 (T3-Liothyronine Sodium)
30 x 25mg Tablets 15$

Altamofen (Nolvedex) 50 x 20mg Tablets 16$

Balkan-PHARMA Injection
Parabolan (T-6HBC) 100mg x 5 amps 25$
SUSTAMED (Sustanon - testo mix) 5 x 250 mg amp 23$
AQUATEST (Testosterone suspension) 5 x 100 mg amp 23$
Primobol (methenolone enanthate) 100mg x 5 amps 23$
TESTOSTERON Propionat amplifier 5 x 100mg 23$
Testosterone Enantat amplifier 5 x 250mg 23$
TESTOSTERON CIPIONAT amplifier 5 x 200mg 23$
5 Amp nandrolone decanoate 200mg x 23$
Strombaject Aqua (Winstrol injection) 50mg/ml 20$
5 ampoules a 1ml 50mg/ml

Balkan-PHARMA Oral
Danabol (methandienone) 60 x 10mg tab 25$
STROMBAFORT (stanozolol) 10mg x 60 table 25$
Clenbuterol 60 mcg tables x 0.04 25$
60 x 10mg tab TURANABOL 45$
Anapolon (oximetholone) 60 x 50mg tab 70$
60 x 10mg oxandrolone tab 70$

Deca 250 (Nandrolone Decanoate) $22
Equipose 200 (Boldenone Undecylenate) $19
Masteron 100 (Drostanolone Propionate) $19
Masteron 200 (Drostanolone Propionate and Enanthate) $22
NPP 100 (Nandrolone Phenylpropionate) $14
Primobolan 100 (Methenolone Enanthate) $22
Sustanon 250 (Testosterone Blend) $19
Testosterone B100 (Testosterone Base) $14
Testosterone S100 (Testosterone Suspension) EURO 16 Trenbolone A100
(Trenbolone Acetate) $22
Trenbolone E200 (Trenbolone Enanthate) $22
Winstrol Depot (Stanozolol) $16
Clen 40mcg (Clenbuterol Hydrochloride) 120tabs $16
Anavar 20mg (Oxandrolone) 70tabs $65
Dbol 20mg (Methandienone) 70tabs $22
Boldaxyl 300 -10ml/vial..............
Duraxyl 100- 10ml/vial ..............12euro/15USD
Masteroxyl 100- 10ml/vial ...........17euro/22USD
Nandroxyl 250- 10ml/vial ............16euro/20USD
Primoxyl 100- 10ml/vial ............24euro/31USD
Sustaxyl 350- 10ml/vial.............14euro/18USD
Testoxyl Cypionate 250- 10ml/vial.......13euro/16USD
Testoxyl Enanthate 250- 10ml/vial........13euro/16USD
Testoxyl Propionate 100- 10ml/vial........12euro/15USD
Trenboxyl Acetate 100- 10ml/vial ........21euro/27USD
Trenboxyl Enanthate 200- 10ml/vial........24euro/31USD
Trinaxyl 150- 10ml/vial ................23euro/29USD
Dianoxyl 50- 20tabs/pack..................14euro/18USD
Oxandroxyl 10- 50tabs/pack................16euro/20USD
Primoxyl 25- 50tab/pack ..............30euro/39USD
Stanoxyl 10- 100taps/pack ...............14euro/18USD

Boldenone 250m 10ml 20euro/25usd
Stanozolol Injection 100mg 10ml 20euro/25usd
Testosterone Propionate 100mg 10ml 20euro/25usd
Testosterone Cypionate 250mg 10ml 20euro/25usd
Testosterone Suspension 10ml 20euro/25usd
Testosterone Suspension 10ml 20euro/25usd
Methandieone injects 100mg 10ml 20euro/25usd
Masteron Propionate 100mg 10ml 20euro/25usd
Masteron Enathate 200mg 10ml 20euro/25usd
Hygetropin Hygene 200 UI 25vials x 8 UI/309$
Genotropin Go Quick 12MG /36 UI Pfizer/123$
Norditropin Simplexx 30 IU (Somatotropin)
1 x 30IU (10 mg/1,5 ml)/258$
Kigtropin HGH 100iu (10 Vials of 10iu)/125$
RIPTROPIN BRAND hGH 100 iu kit/210$
OMNITROPE 30IU (10MG) - SOMATROPIN 10mg/1.5ml 30IU/230$
Jintropin 10IU(100IU/box)/243$
SAIZEN hGH (somatropin) 8mg./ 24IU Click Easy/225$
I typed all that on and there is a ton of America scam sites they even take credit cards. Bit not the site you are referring too. They are all muscle guru And eroids certified..
Damn i how do ppl operate like that, all in the like idgaf. Sound super sketchy, id be curious to know if this facebook guy is legit or not. I mean if so, spreading himself around in the open like that he ust not want to stay open for long. Ad much as some of the ugl prices are tempting at times i have a hard time trusting. I just pay a few extra buck (a very few) and get concentrex. Its done me good so far. Keep us posted tho plz @rpbb. Good luck
Damn i how do ppl operate like that, all in the like idgaf. Sound super sketchy, id be curious to know if this facebook guy is legit or not. I mean if so, spreading himself around in the open like that he ust not want to stay open for long. Ad much as some of the ugl prices are tempting at times i have a hard time trusting. I just pay a few extra buck (a very few) and get concentrex. Its done me good so far. Keep us posted tho plz @rpbb. Good luck
i was being sarcastic. posting as a source on facebook is about the worst thing you can do. my guess is he's a cop and should be avoided at all costs
I would run like hell. I don't fuck with international sources, but when a domestic reseller of known labs has cheaper prices than an international source as big as Naps it is a huge red flag. Scam alert!
Yea that alpha pharma is way cheap to. I would have my guard up that's for sure. You know what they say tho you get what you pay for. Not sayin you can't get good cheap gear but your chance are not so likely