Used AAS to get off alcohol or other drugs? self-medicated TRT?

I would like to talk to people that fit into either or both of these groups:
1) people who have found AAS helped them get over problems with alcohol or other drugs
2) people who have used AAS to fix their own low testosterone i.e. people who have not gone through a doctor (for whatever reason) but instead have found their own supply of AAS and self-medicated their own TRT.

If this is you please comment or message me on here (be patient I am an old techno-retard still working out how these new-fangled forums work!) or message me through Facebook Messenger (Mair Underwood-Researcher) or email me on

Look forward to hearing from you.

Background info:
For those who don't know me I am an anthropologist who has been working with enhanced bodybuilders online for the last few years. You can hear me talk about my research on Advices Radio Advices Radio :: Advices Radio, Advices radio, episode 88 or YouTube Mair Underwood

I have been lucky enough to have the support of Mike Scally throughout my research.

Some of you on here have been kind enough to share your stories with me after Mike was kind enough to do a shout out (thank you all :) ).

I am currently writing up a whole bunch of papers from this research (e.g. on the practice of insulin in bodybuilding, harm reduction strategies used by enhanced bodybuilders, the boundary between risk and benefit as experienced by enhanced bodybuilders etc).

However, I have a couple of papers that I need a bit more data for, and they are both on the therapeutic uses of non-prescription AAS, which is why I am looking for the people described above.

If you choose to talk to me your confidentiality and privacy will be maintained at all times (I am bound by my university ethics agreement to conduct ethical research.

As you can see from my past research my mission e.g. is to increase understanding of, and support for, people who use enhancement drugs. (for example: The unintended consequences of emphasising blood-borne virus in research on, and services for, people who inject image and performance enhancing drugs: A commentary based on enhanced bodybuilder perspectives - ScienceDirect)

sorry for the long post but I am an academic
I'm interested in this. I'll send you an email
I think first we should establish a baseline or common denominator in the equation for your question. People take AS for many different reasons creating so much noise in thier personal justification that a clear signal as a group is hard to find. In my 40+ years of lifting (starting age 13) over the years I can clearly see only two things that could be common.
Narcissism and OCD. I've observed the pesonalities of AS users tend to be binary.
In my case narcisism was the first signal. Even though the mirror showed bloat for a couple days after a binge I knew a week or so of abstinence would reflect my true physical image. A smoke screen at best but just enough justification to keep drinking.
After my liver scan my OCD seemed to perk up. Typical to my nature I pushed the whole stack to the center of the table and made the decision to quit entirely. Again, a binary, black or white, no grey decision. I've also noticed quite a few recovering drunks and junkies on variouse bodybuilding forums. Perhaps trading one OCD compulsion for another? Seems this is more prevalent than not.
Fortunately for me I could look at alcohol in a good vs bad context. AS = good, Alcohol = bad. The decision came easily, although that was kinetic. The hard part as usual was the application and practice of abstinence.
Thanks so much for sharing your story, I'd love to know more. Please tell me more about why AAS = good and alcohol = bad. The law says the opposite. I definitely don't agree with the law and would love to hear your thoughts
It would be almost impossible to compress a lifetime of attitudes into a paragraph or two. But I'll try:
I prefer science and the scientific method over politics and religion. While I am an agnostic I can see in plain sight the absolute harm the politicians have done to society. Creating laws to serve their cronies and themselves for the so-called better good. We lost the war on drugs and this can be seen not only as a correlation but a mathematical causational proof (see Portugal drug law). Through my lense of life, I find it difficult to adhere to rules created by an authority with no expertise. Even scientific "fact" has a half-life. See the food pyramid, lobotomy protocol, flat earth, the number system (see octonion math), etc.
While my observations can only be anecdotal I feel secure in my beliefs about alcohol and AS. We have all seen what alcohol abuse can do to a person's physical, financial, and social status. Perhaps not everyone is aware of AS repercussions as AS are less common in society than alcohol. I began AS in the mid-1980s. A time when AS was not classified as a scheduled drug. In fact, at the time, the FDA said they had no benefit in physical exercise. Again, all facts have a half-life. Observing my drunk 'bros' and my gym rat buddies over a couple of decades the optical results were clear. The drunks quality of life were nill (if still alive), the gym rats (using AS) quality of life well above average. Following my own and other AS users blood work since the mid 90's the results and harm of AS use alone were quite trivial. Therefore, AS = good and Alcohol = bad.
Observing my drunk 'bros' and my gym rat buddies over a couple of decades the optical results were clear. The drunks quality of life were nill (if still alive), the gym rats (using AS) quality of life well above average
Very good point. Even if it is a "substitute" for recreational substances, theres no comparison. If I am on AAS then that's it, no alcohol or drugs. Since starting AAS I have been very health conscious, Diet and eating clean is a must, training has definatley improved due to wanting the most from a cycle or just keeping gains from a previous. Then there is just the great feeling that comes with looking/feeling good, which was rare when I was using/drinking. My wife is much happier with our quality of life(obviously) since I'm not obsessing over substances but rather have a "healthy" interest in my well being. Healthy being a key word... not obsessing over my body or AAS use. Balance is key... diet, training, work, fun, family, rest, ect ect...
It would be almost impossible to compress a lifetime of attitudes into a paragraph or two. But I'll try:
I prefer science and the scientific method over politics and religion. While I am an agnostic I can see in plain sight the absolute harm the politicians have done to society. Creating laws to serve their cronies and themselves for the so-called better good. We lost the war on drugs and this can be seen not only as a correlation but a mathematical causational proof (see Portugal drug law). Through my lense of life, I find it difficult to adhere to rules created by an authority with no expertise. Even scientific "fact" has a half-life. See the food pyramid, lobotomy protocol, flat earth, the number system (see octonion math), etc.
While my observations can only be anecdotal I feel secure in my beliefs about alcohol and AS. We have all seen what alcohol abuse can do to a person's physical, financial, and social status. Perhaps not everyone is aware of AS repercussions as AS are less common in society than alcohol. I began AS in the mid-1980s. A time when AS was not classified as a scheduled drug. In fact, at the time, the FDA said they had no benefit in physical exercise. Again, all facts have a half-life. Observing my drunk 'bros' and my gym rat buddies over a couple of decades the optical results were clear. The drunks quality of life were nill (if still alive), the gym rats (using AS) quality of life well above average. Following my own and other AS users blood work since the mid 90's the results and harm of AS use alone were quite trivial. Therefore, AS = good and Alcohol = bad.
I can completely see where you are coming from with your logic. Indeed the current state of the science is that alcohol is far more harmful (to the individual and society) than AAS, but the law doesn't seem to be based on harm
comparative ratings of harms of drugs
It would be almost impossible to compress a lifetime of attitudes into a paragraph or two. But I'll try:
I prefer science and the scientific method over politics and religion. While I am an agnostic I can see in plain sight the absolute harm the politicians have done to society. Creating laws to serve their cronies and themselves for the so-called better good. We lost the war on drugs and this can be seen not only as a correlation but a mathematical causational proof (see Portugal drug law). Through my lense of life, I find it difficult to adhere to rules created by an authority with no expertise. Even scientific "fact" has a half-life. See the food pyramid, lobotomy protocol, flat earth, the number system (see octonion math), etc.
While my observations can only be anecdotal I feel secure in my beliefs about alcohol and AS. We have all seen what alcohol abuse can do to a person's physical, financial, and social status. Perhaps not everyone is aware of AS repercussions as AS are less common in society than alcohol. I began AS in the mid-1980s. A time when AS was not classified as a scheduled drug. In fact, at the time, the FDA said they had no benefit in physical exercise. Again, all facts have a half-life. Observing my drunk 'bros' and my gym rat buddies over a couple of decades the optical results were clear. The drunks quality of life were nill (if still alive), the gym rats (using AS) quality of life well above average. Following my own and other AS users blood work since the mid 90's the results and harm of AS use alone were quite trivial. Therefore, AS = good and Alcohol = bad.

I think YOU should write a few articles! Good stuff man. I could read that all day!
I believe we are in exceptionally good hands with Dr. Underwood. I am waiting with bated breath to read her final publication.
Thanks so much for sharing your story, I'd love to know more. Please tell me more about why AAS = good and alcohol = bad. The law says the opposite. I definitely don't agree with the law and would love to hear your thoughts
Was a daily drinker from 19-26. Have fatty liver. Been sober for 2.5 years, did my first cycle 3 months ago. AAS=good because I am extremely health oriented now and will continue to use and lift until I cannot anymore. Alcohol= bad because 1) i’d Be out of a job right now and a total deadbeat dad and 2) alcohol kills gains so if reason 1 isn’t enough, reason 2 definitely keeps me away from it.
Was a daily drinker from 19-26. Have fatty liver. Been sober for 2.5 years, did my first cycle 3 months ago. AAS=good because I am extremely health oriented now and will continue to use and lift until I cannot anymore. Alcohol= bad because 1) i’d Be out of a job right now and a total deadbeat dad and 2) alcohol kills gains so if reason 1 isn’t enough, reason 2 definitely keeps me away from it.
So AAS didn't really get you off alcohol, but it helps you stay off, is that right?
It would be almost impossible to compress a lifetime of attitudes into a paragraph or two. But I'll try:
I prefer science and the scientific method over politics and religion. While I am an agnostic I can see in plain sight the absolute harm the politicians have done to society. Creating laws to serve their cronies and themselves for the so-called better good. We lost the war on drugs and this can be seen not only as a correlation but a mathematical causational proof (see Portugal drug law). Through my lense of life, I find it difficult to adhere to rules created by an authority with no expertise. Even scientific "fact" has a half-life. See the food pyramid, lobotomy protocol, flat earth, the number system (see octonion math), etc.
While my observations can only be anecdotal I feel secure in my beliefs about alcohol and AS. We have all seen what alcohol abuse can do to a person's physical, financial, and social status. Perhaps not everyone is aware of AS repercussions as AS are less common in society than alcohol. I began AS in the mid-1980s. A time when AS was not classified as a scheduled drug. In fact, at the time, the FDA said they had no benefit in physical exercise. Again, all facts have a half-life. Observing my drunk 'bros' and my gym rat buddies over a couple of decades the optical results were clear. The drunks quality of life were nill (if still alive), the gym rats (using AS) quality of life well above average. Following my own and other AS users blood work since the mid 90's the results and harm of AS use alone were quite trivial. Therefore, AS = good and Alcohol = bad.
good post