Using same syringe for test for few weeks ?

Check back about 10-15 years ago on here when someone asked a similar question. Let's just say the philosophy concerning reusing syringes, etc. was of a vastly different opinion. How things have changed.
Check back about 10-15 years ago on here when someone asked a similar question. Let's just say the philosophy concerning reusing syringes, etc. was of a vastly different opinion. How things have changed.

Go back that far and you start seeing plenty of "Bubble boy" comments and outright brawls about .22 micron filters being unnecessary and how the BB will kill everything you need to worry about. Including the "I've been doing this for xx years without a problem.".

Now anyone skipping that step in a brew would look like a moron.

There's always going to be the crowd insisting there's no more progress to be made towards safer injectables, taking any suggestion of ways to do so (even well established ones used by professional medicine) as a personal insult that they've been "doing it wrong", instead of seeing it as an effort to make things a little safer.