Very Mild Allergic Reaction?


New Member
Wondering if anyone else has gotten this on test E or aromasin and what they did to reduce it.

For about 2 weeks now my face and neck is very red. The skin on my neck and slightly below it is bumpier. Not much itching or anything but feel different. I take 250mg test e E3.5D and 10mg aromasin ED. I went to see a doctor, he didn't even look at it closely and said it's a rash and to take Benadryl but it doesn't look like the pictures on google and the Benadryl isn't helping. Is this an allergic reaction?

The reason I'm not sure about it being an allergic reaction is it started a day or so before my first AI dose and there's been zero issues at the injection sites for the test e. Also, it's only manifesting around my head. Also, I can't just stop the E and take the AI or vice versa to see which it is because then my hormones would get messed up.

Anyone else have a similar experience or advice on how I can find out the source or treatment?

Here's what my skin looks like on my neck:
If Benadryl isn’t helping I’d say it’s probably not allergic reaction but I’m no dr. Could just be from hormone fluctuations maybe?

On another note 10mg Aromasin a day? Holy cramping I took half that I’d be e2 crashed in 5 days.
If Benadryl isn’t helping I’d say it’s probably not allergic reaction but I’m no dr. Could just be from hormone fluctuations maybe?

On another note 10mg Aromasin a day? Holy cramping I took half that I’d be e2 crashed in 5 days.
My hormones have been fluctuating a lot as I figure out my AI dose.

10mg ED seems high to me too, but I had bad bloating and it didn't go away 10mg E3D, it would flare up on the 3rd day. I'm getting my bloodwork today to see what sup. My libido is still working so I'm guessing it's not crashed. Been taking it ED for 6 days now. I made another thread on figuring out my AI dosage and the consensus was it was hard to figure out without bloodwork.
I dont see anything unusual on your picture... That's not an allergic reaction or at least not what an allergic reaction looks like. I have seen many.

It's more like a skin irritation caused by whatever else but not by something you ingested. It can be due to hormonal inbalance but again it's not an allergic reaction.
I dont see anything unusual on your picture... That's not an allergic reaction or at least not what an allergic reaction looks like. I have seen many.

It's more like a skin irritation caused by whatever else but not by something you ingested. It can be due to hormonal inbalance but again it's not an allergic reaction.
When I google skin and hormones it says changes in E2 affect skin. Seeing as the signs of allergy are low, and you think so as well, I'm starting to think it's a reaction to both the spike and then subsequent drop in E2. Maybe it will clear out once I find my balance.
My hormones have been fluctuating a lot as I figure out my AI dose.

10mg ED seems high to me too, but I had bad bloating and it didn't go away 10mg E3D, it would flare up on the 3rd day. I'm getting my bloodwork today to see what sup. My libido is still working so I'm guessing it's not crashed. Been taking it ED for 6 days now. I made another thread on figuring out my AI dosage and the consensus was it was hard to figure out without bloodwork.
Yeah I mean if this is your first cycle it’s hard to dial in without bloodwork. If my estrogen gets high i know it from the symptoms now and usually 2 doses of 12.5 aromasin 3 days apart drops it back where it needs to be for 2-4 weeks depending on what I’m running. You’ll have to do bloodwork a few times most likely to figure out what works for you then just keep good record of it for future reference and you won’t need a lot of bloodwork for ai purposes on future cycles.
Yeah I mean if this is your first cycle it’s hard to dial in without bloodwork. If my estrogen gets high i know it from the symptoms now and usually 2 doses of 12.5 aromasin 3 days apart drops it back where it needs to be for 2-4 weeks depending on what I’m running. You’ll have to do bloodwork a few times most likely to figure out what works for you then just keep good record of it for future reference and you won’t need a lot of bloodwork for ai purposes on future cycles.
What do you mean for 2-4 weeks? I thought AIs were run throughout the cycle. You only take it sometimes?
What do you mean for 2-4 weeks? I thought AIs were run throughout the cycle. You only take it sometimes?
Yes because aromasin is a suicidal ai so you only take it when you need it unlike arimidex which will rebound your estrogen if you stop taking it. Two completely different mechanisms in the way they work. Some people need aromasin on a regular schedule too but some don’t.
Yes because aromasin is a suicidal ai so you only take it when you need it unlike arimidex which will rebound your estrogen if you stop taking it. Two completely different mechanisms in the way they work. Some people need aromasin on a regular schedule too but some don’t.
Thanks for bringing this up! I will do more reading on that.