Warning: Always keep an AI on hand or this could be you.




If you ever end up like this, you waited to long on the Arimidex. This fucktard doesn't actually have gyno. He took a $100,000 bet he wouldn't get breast implant and keep them for a year. He also get $10,000 for each additional year. 17yrs. later there still in. If i ever saw this a$$hole walking around i would punch him square in the tit and unleash 2lbs. of silicone into his blood stream. I don't know why this makes me so angry. Oh, yeah the chick in the pic is his wife, she looks 12. What do expect, he's Canadian.
Thought about it.......I'd get up feeling the same way for seventeen years. The same feeling i would get if i had to live my life as a cop, i'd fucking hate myself and would eat a bullet.
Thought about it.......I'd get up feeling the same way for seventeen years. The same feeling i would get if i had to live my life as a cop, i'd fucking hate myself and would eat a bullet.

Hey at least the dude is Canadian -- Gyno surgery is free in most provinces...as long as the gyno is painful ;)

I find it even funnier that the guy hasn't had the fucking things removed by now.
Holy tit-fucking McGillicuty! You could have the most ripped muscles in the world and no one would know, their eyes would never leave your tits.
Pretty ducking. Disgusting shit going in here. But to the guy with the implants... I don't think there is any money in the world that could buy me into getting implants and having to walk around with them under a lifetime contract. I'm too proud of my manhood. As humble as I am, I cannot
be anything less then an alpha male.
Pretty ducking. Disgusting shit going in here. But to the guy with the implants... I don't think there is any money in the world that could buy me into getting implants and having to walk around with them under a lifetime contract. I'm too proud of my manhood. As humble as I am, I cannot
be anything less then an alpha male.

I feel bad for creating this thread, and now bumping it, but I can't agree with you more. There were some who thought it would be worth it to take the money, no sir. Us men here, go the gym, work hard, diet, and supplement. Why? To look good, feel good, be strong.....to be what it is to be a man. No money in the world could convince me to walk around for the rest of my life with D-cups. Mind as well take my arms or legs. My appologies to anyone without either, but you get my point.
worst threwad to watch before sleeping. my eyes burn i do not know what i just saw only that my eyes burn and i will have horrible vivid thoughts for a duration of time.