Gyno Surgery Log

Damn man, you got me thinking I may have had a little Gyno all my life. My pecks have always been a little fatty even when I cut weight. Makes my nips kinda point out where I see most men lay flat.

I also noticed that you have a little divot in your left pec, were the muscle cuts in. I have the same thing, I don't mind it much. It's kinda cool
Damn man, you got me thinking I may have had a little Gyno all my life. My pecks have always been a little fatty even when I cut weight. Makes my nips kinda point out where I see most men lay flat.

I also noticed that you have a little divot in your left pec, were the muscle cuts in. I have the same thing, I don't mind it much. It's kinda cool

You'll definitely know if you have it or not when you are lean enough. Like 15% or under i'd say. Maybe even more. And about the pec haha, yeah it is pretty cool I guess, never really thought about it much.
Before you got the surgery, how big of a lump did you have?
I currently have pea sized lumps in both breasts. While I think that my chest looks odd, everyone else that I've talked to says it looks fine and is all in my head.
Before you got the surgery, how big of a lump did you have?
I currently have pea sized lumps in both breasts. While I think that my chest looks odd, everyone else that I've talked to says it looks fine and is all in my head.

One was bigger than the other but they were both significantly larger than pea sized. Don't listen to anyone else, they dont stare at your body all day. You decide if you have it and if it's worth it or not. Anyways here's a side view update
One was bigger than the other but they were both significantly larger than pea sized. Don't listen to anyone else, they dont stare at your body all day. You decide if you have it and if it's worth it or not. Anyways here's a side view update

Yea, but if other people don't notice it, I can deal with it in my head.

I'm on cycle for about another month, during which I hope to lean out some more (bf mid/high teens right now), and I will of course be on nolvadex for PCT so hoping that will shrink it a little bit as well.

After all that is done with, I will be going to the doctor for a physical and have him give me an opinion on it. Maybe I'll get lucky and get insurance to cover it!

Anyway man, you're looking good in the pics, and I'm glad that the surgery went well for you!
Congrats brother, he did a great job. I have been thinking about surgery myself as i have gyno, and it sucks. I was thinking of trying to get my insurance to cover it by telling them that the trt they prescribed me caused it. And maybe use the same explanation as you did to seal the deal.
Thanks for this very informative post.

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Thanks for the replies guys and good luck! Definitely worth it 100%. Sucks losing muscle for those two months of recovery though. I used it as a time to lean down and get myself extremely insulin sensitive so when I came back I could properly add carbs at certain times and blow up lean. Hopefully doing a physique comp in the future. Here's some updated pics taken today. If you guys have any suggestions on what I can work on that'd be cool. I'm still natural also so no harsh criticism, haha, planning on getting my test levels checked soon.


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Well to state the obvious, your gonna need to add some mass to your physique if your planning to compete. Having said that youve got a lot to work with. First of all your not fat so you dont have to deal with that and brother youve got great natural biceps. When you put on some more muscle, those bi's are gonna be show stoppers. You have really good genetics and im looking forward to seeing you after a few months hard training under your belt.

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Definitely agree with your points, thanks for the post. Muscle is coming back fairly quick after the surgery, muscle memory is a beautiful thing. Don't at all disagree with the mass statement, like I said it'll come back with time. Buttttt there's one thing that I haven't really made clear to anyone here but have wanted to for awhile. Let's just say if i were to compete, it would be in teen physique...yeah im a youngin. And here's a better shot of me a little pumped up. Have a long way to go but the knowledge i've gained here has been incredibly helpful

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Definitely agree with your points, thanks for the post. Muscle is coming back fairly quick after the surgery, muscle memory is a beautiful thing. Don't at all disagree with the mass statement, like I said it'll come back with time. Buttttt there's one thing that I haven't really made clear to anyone here but have wanted to for awhile. Let's just say if i were to compete, it would be in teen physique...yeah im a youngin. And here's a better shot of me a little pumped up. Have a long way to go but the knowledge i've gained here has been incredibly helpful.


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I never though I'd be saying this to a dude, but your tits look great! Congratulations on your successful recovery. Your two month post operation picture looked fantastic. I am actually seeing a plastic surgeon tomorrow for this very surgery next month sometime. Reading your experience has eased my fears a lot and seeing your pics has me stoked!

Thanks for the inspiring post!