Hey guys n gyals just doin the introductory post as per forum rules (as far as I understood at least that’s how it works so before posting anywhere else I wanted to write here). I’ve been doing exercise since I was a lil kid played lots of sports n started lifting at 16 n got pretty fkin big even in the first year but then I got distracted by all the other kinda bs that you usually do at that age n was lifting on n off n always playing lots of sports, I traveled a fkload since I was a kid too which is mostly due to family reasons n all sorta stuff but I am extremely grateful for having already traveled most of the world and speak 4 languages fluently (English n Italian are my mother tongues or whatever y’all call it here n then Spanish n French I speak well enough to work in too). Anyways I did years of just fkin around n doin shady shit but same time was doing lots of mma/Muay Thai/nj n wrestled for a good amount of time in college (went to high school in England n finished it in Amsterdam so I actually started wrestling when I started college in the states) but then broke my rib after practice one day, tried to suplex a huge homie of mine n did it well but I ended up dropping him badly so he fell on my rib n there went my collegiate wrestling career , tbh I could have continued but without the athletic scholarship n after they filled me with oxy (this was back in 2012 when you could flip that shit for insane amounts of money n since for nearly a year I was hooked on em let’s say it was a shifty period of time but hey I ain’t blaming nobody but myself it was fun n college was a blast for the time I actually was there, I kinda decided I was finna pay my college another way n let’s just say I ended up doin shady shit n dropping out). Had some fun times n lots of adventures but also lost many friends to both violence and drug so I knew shit was either gonna get real messy n I’d end up in jail or I had to change my ways, so I moved back to Italy n sorted my life out (kinda, still was doin shady shit but only cos I’m good at it n it helped with the bills n to pay the uni taxes, regardless of the connections n homies I still have I try to be a much better person nowadays, although it’s always good to have friends everywhere n good relationships as that is key to so much stuff in life ) after years in Italy I wanted more money (the jobs there suck donkey balls money wise, I was a producer n worked with lots of major artists n still didn’t make as much as I do here) so I moved back to the states n now have a good paying job n don’t have to do any random ass side shit unless I want to, already while I was in Italy I went back to training both lifting n Muay Thai n bjj n did some more mma stuff but I then realized my main love (and what has always kept me in check from doing dumb shit or being an asshole) has always been lifting weights/bodybuilding/powerlifting, so I got back on track with that n intend on competing in both bodybuilding and powerlifting this coming year (well at least one of em this year, as I know it’s best to have one main goal at a time instead of tryina be the jack of all trades).
Anyways that’s a very abbreviated explanation of some of the stuff that got me to come back to the states n explain some stuff I went through in the past n yeah sorry for the rant post but I’m at work so wasn’t really sure how long it came out til it was done
I’ve lurked this forum for a while but wanted to start posting so here I am mfkas I like the vibe here n it seems like there are lots of very knowledgeable people so yeah I’m looking forward to meeting new people n learning lots of stuff
Anyways that’s a very abbreviated explanation of some of the stuff that got me to come back to the states n explain some stuff I went through in the past n yeah sorry for the rant post but I’m at work so wasn’t really sure how long it came out til it was done
I’ve lurked this forum for a while but wanted to start posting so here I am mfkas I like the vibe here n it seems like there are lots of very knowledgeable people so yeah I’m looking forward to meeting new people n learning lots of stuff