Island lifts
New Member
I started my first cycle (500mg test e pw 18 weeks) a couple years ago estrogen levels were good taking 1mg adex pw, cruising at 150mg pw post cycle, did a couple cycles after that, then I decided to do a tren cycle with 300mg/350mg test/tren ace, planned to run for 10 weeks, I was lean and getting leaner but by week 5 I started getting terrible acne and water retention, mainly in my face, I stopped the cycle at week 6, lowered test back to 150, 6 months later my face has only gotten worse and more bloated, yet I’m basically the same body fat %, I’ve tried dandelion root, keto diet, low carb, increased ai, more potassium/less sodium nothings really worked. I know that getting some water retention is normal when on aas but I used to have such a lean face, even on my first 3 cycles now I look like a fat chipmunk, I have a very visible six pack but if you just saw my face you’d think I was 30% bf. just ordered some telmisartan, saw it could be useful for water retention. Any suggestions?