Well that was fun ...

So just re-filtered about 3 bottles of test using whatman .2 syringe filters into new pre-sterilized/sealed vials. Using a 60ml syringe, caulk gun, and being as hygienic as possible while also using a flow hood.

I think I did ok except one problem was when I was done with a vial and pulled out the syringe it kept dripping. Kinda didnt know what to do so recapped, prepped the next vial, uncapped, wiped with iso pad, then filled the next vial. It was kept inside the flow hood the whole time and didnt touch anything so I assume it remained sterile. Also added another 1.5% BA for a total of about 2.7%.

One thing in the future I will do is make sure all the vials are pre-prepped with the vent needle already in and kept under the flow hood so I dont have to stop.
It's always a learning experience.

True. Also I realized these '5ml' vials I have really hold about 8-9ml and filled them 85% full. So that will have thrown off my BA concentration so its probably about 2.4%? Probably a bit more reasonable anyway.
True. Also I realized these '5ml' vials I have really hold about 8-9ml and filled them 85% full. So that will have thrown off my BA concentration so its probably about 2.4%? Probably a bit more reasonable anyway.
Why would it through off BA conc?
Dude, the unexpected difference in vial capacity doesn't change the amount of oil you have
It changes when you're expecting 30ml but actually end up with 34 ish of oil. That is 4ml not accounted for when calc for the target number. It's likely not throwing it off terribly but I'm just saying.
You shouldn't be ending up with 34ml. Your math was wrong. Just double check your notes and figure out where you made the mistake and learn as you get more experience
You shouldn't be ending up with 34ml. Your math was wrong. Just double check your notes and figure out where you made the mistake and learn as you get more experience
I think you're thinking I was doing my own from scratch recipe. I was refiltering UGL vials.
why would you filter prepped oil from a source?

If you feel the need to do that, you need a new source
Well mostly because it was crashed and would recrash after heating. I suppose I could have just added BB but I also have trust issues and am super paranoid of getting an infection. So I plan on refiltering any gear that's UGL. The best UGL isn't going to care as much as I care.
Well mostly because it was crashed and would recrash after heating. I suppose I could have just added BB but I also have trust issues and am super paranoid of getting an infection. So I plan on refiltering any gear that's UGL. The best UGL isn't going to care as much as I care.
Filtering doesn’t have anything to do with product crashing. I guess your other point is better safe than sorry