What did you inject today?

Sometimes i just mix all 2 of those in one pen.. either way I'm gonna come off all peptides for a while after this week.. the pens arr very convenient.. I've been using them for months
Just a break for breaks sake? or they've done what you need them to do and body is feeling good?
You really are an EQ guy. I love it
January gonna be my anadrol month, before i hop on cruise.. this bulk was rough.. much struggle and a lot of chaos.. also 2 times ive got sickness

i would like to use 2g test, but estrogen flips high @500.. also i´ve got only that 100x10mg aromasin bags, i need to take 3 daily if i dose Test just a little bit higher..:rolleyes:
Last edited:
125 Test E 0,5cc
300 EQ 1cc
300 Mast E 1,5cc

80mg Telmisartan
10mg Tadalafil
25mcg T3
100mg Anavar Pre Workout
5iu Novorapid Pre Workout
12iu HGH Pre Sleep
15iu Lantus Post Sleep
20iu Novorapid Post Workout

gymbuddys sayn i look "harder" think due anavar.. but i dont get that skin-tearing pumps.. just more muscle/mind and bit pump
im shy ya know, i dont love myself :confused:

It's ok, i think the majority of ppl involved with this "sport" have issues with their self esteem. I have a rule of thumb for myself. I only measure my progress based on my personal journey. If now i'm better than 6 months ago then i'm pretty happy with it and i don't care if i'm the worst in the room.

And by saying this i don't mean my progress is always linear, i managed to ruin my previous best physique by gaining 100 pounds of fat, but i overcame it. Anyways, cheer up and be proud of yourself.
im shy ya know, i dont love myself :confused:
I hope it gets better for you. I really do.

I was in your shoes, and still am to a extent.
I didnt want to post pictures, then I found out posting pictures for me was an outlet, I was able to express myself and let go of some of the burden of not loving myself in a way
Not loving yourself is hard.

Not pushing you to do anything brother, just letting you know someone out in this harsh world is hoping for you.
im shy ya know, i dont love myself :confused:

I don't know if you have already seen it, but have a look at Rek's log, from the beginning.
See how it all changed.
But never let anyone bully you into doing anything.
Or never feel that if you don't put pictures, here, it's because you are less than the ones that do.

After all, most people do not have pictures of themselves, on Meso.
You don't have to be here to have people look at you, unless that is what you want, of course.

Rek will tell you that this is what I wrote him, because people kept asking him to show pictures, I could see his reluctance and I did not want him to feel pressured into anything.
However, typical Mr Rek, out of the blue out came his first picture.
Etc, etc...

You are really sweet.
Do not worry about anything.

