What do UGLs put in their solutions?


New Member
When I use testosterone from an UGL, in 99% of the cases, there will be slight or severe inflammation at the injection point, redness and an increased temperature at the spot.

I have used Sustanon from Turkish pharmacies (Sustanon 250 / Aspen) and I didn't get any problems at all.

I thought it's the carrier oil that causes the problem, so I switched from an UGL that uses sesame oil to an UGL that uses grape seed oil. I still got the same problem.

Currently, I'm planning to order testosterone enanthate from an actual pharma shop, produced by an actual pharmaceutical company, so I can see if everything will be fine. If everything is fine, this will mean it's not an overreaction by my body, and the problem is caused by the UGLs.

Do you, guys, have similar experience or is it unique to me? I'm trying to figure out if this is expected or it's just my body overreacting to the additives UGLs use.

The inflammation itself isn't really a problem to me. What worries me is that inflammation causes scar tissue across the affected area, and scar tissue is what I want to avoid.

I get inflammation regardless if I inject intramuscularly or sub-q. And because I don't want scar tissue on the muscles, because this can't be removed, I switched to sub-q.