What I wish I knew about acne when I was younger


Well-known Member
There are 3 OTC drugs for acne that all work about as well as each other: benzoyl peroxide, azlaic acid, and adapalene. It's best to use them in conjunction with each other. Studies have shown 2.5% benzoyl peroxide works just as well as 5% or 10% with less irritation. Azlaic acid is non-exfoliating and non-irritating and mainly kills acne bacteria. OTC azleic acid is 10% in the US but 15-20% is OTC in other countries you can order from, notably Australia. Adapalene is a retinoid, 0.1% concentration is available OTC but you can get 0.3% via prescription.

Hydrocolloid patches:
Once acne forms, instead of popping the pimple you can put one of these patches over it overnight and it will suck the pus out of it without leaving a scar. There are patches with microdarts as well. They work very well.

Bonus topicals:
Salicylic acid- unlike other acids is oil soluble and deeply unclogs clogged pores, maximum concentration OTC is 2% so look for a product that says 2%. It self neutralizes in about 3 minutes so using a 2% SA cleanser/wash, keeping it on for 3 minutes and washing it off is sufficient.
Niacinamide- reduces oil production, it also has moisturizing and anti-redness properties. The Ordinary has a 10% serum.

Retinoids like adapalene, retin-a and tazarotene will cause your skin you get worse for about 4-6 weeks before getting better. The second week is the worst. Adapalene has advantages that it penetrates deeper than the others, is less irritating than the others, and light doesn't break it down so you can put it on in daytime unlike retin-a. You can also use benzoyl peroxide with it unlike retin-a.

Oral accutane/isotretinoin is an isomer of retin-a/tretinoin with similar properties only taken oral. The side effects (joint/muscle soreness, chapped lips, hair loss, eye/skin photosensitivity, liver damage, depression) are so severe that the company that developed it no longer makes it because of the lawsuits. But it is available as a generic drug and sometimes is the only thing that works. It's main advantage is it works permanently in most people. But don't reach for an oral drug if topicals will work instead.

You will need to use a moisturizer and sunscreen with retinoids

A dematologist or esthician can do a 10-30% salicylic acid peel or a 1%-5% retinoic acid (aka retin-a/tretinoin) peel. A variety of other peels are available too but these work best for acne. They cost about $200-300 and are done about once a month. You may need to stay home for a few days afterwards due to the chemical burning your face and healing from that.

There are milder peels like The Ordinary's 30% AHA/BHA peel you can get OTC for $8 and are safe to do yourself once a month. You should not experience burning.

It takes 3 months for new skin cells to reach the top of your skin. So deep acne might take a month or two to surface and likewise any intervention you make with your skin you might not see a difference for a few months. A peel is the exception though, it works quickly.
I can say Isotretinoin got rid of my severe chest acne in less than 4 months.
Had the best skin in my life for a solid 6 years.

The most stupid thing I did, was taking it again back in january this year when my skin got worse again (only face this time).
Since then I am stuck with onycholysis on 4 of my fingernails which truly is a pain in the ass, as I cant lift heavy anymore and am in pain constantly.
Well atleast my grip went to shit, no more deadlifts, no more heavy dumbbells.

Been a fan of accutane for years, for obvious reasons, nowadays I'd advise everyone to try any alternative first.
I can say Isotretinoin got rid of my severe chest acne in less than 4 months.
Had the best skin in my life for a solid 6 years.

The most stupid thing I did, was taking it again back in january this year when my skin got worse again (only face this time).
Since then I am stuck with onycholysis on 4 of my fingernails which truly is a pain in the ass, as I cant lift heavy anymore and am in pain constantly.
Well atleast my grip went to shit, no more deadlifts, no more heavy dumbbells.

Been a fan of accutane for years, for obvious reasons, nowadays I'd advise everyone to try any alternative first.
Ow i looked it up, what if you use a different version of straps, like figure 8’s or hook straps?
I can say Isotretinoin got rid of my severe chest acne in less than 4 months.
Had the best skin in my life for a solid 6 years.

The most stupid thing I did, was taking it again back in january this year when my skin got worse again (only face this time).
Since then I am stuck with onycholysis on 4 of my fingernails which truly is a pain in the ass, as I cant lift heavy anymore and am in pain constantly.
Well atleast my grip went to shit, no more deadlifts, no more heavy dumbbells.

Been a fan of accutane for years, for obvious reasons, nowadays I'd advise everyone to try any alternative first.
what dosage did you take?
To add on to isotretinoin, there's been more research about effective doses done recently that are pretty promising for smaller doses. Traditionally doc will have build up to a cumulative dose of about 120 to 150 mg of accutane per kg of bodyweight, hold it until acne is clear, then stop treatment a couple of months after the acne is gone. When I took it in high school it was a high dose, I believe 75 mg/day. Shitty side effects, but the theory was that high doses would shorten the length of the treatment.

Studies are showing now that a low dose of 10-20 mg/day have much less side effects, and the same ability to prevent future acne after treatment. Only downside is having to run it for a longer period of time.
Traditionally doc will have build up to a cumulative dose of about 120 to 150 mg of accutane per kg of bodyweight,
Traditionally was about 1 mg per kg bodyweight, so if you're 150 lbs that's 70mg/day and if you're 175 lbs that's 80mg. Those are typical weights for a teenager just developing severe acne resistant to OTC meds and prescription topicals. Then the course would be 4-6 months. But yeah nowadays they are doing 10-20mg for 9-12 months just to keep the side effects from being so severe.

One thing I see on this forum is you have someone who is getting acne, sometimes severe, because they are putting superhuman amounts of androgens in their body and they're already taking pharma drugs or UGL drugs so why not reach for the pill? Well, normal people have many normal ways of tackling the problem without subjecting themselves to all those systemic side effects. There are topical retinoids that work very well for acne. You may not need or want the oral retinoid.

And hormonal fluctuations cause acne more than just the androgen load does. So using longer esters, avoiding orals, and injecting more frequently helps too.
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Ow i looked it up, what if you use a different version of straps, like figure 8’s or hook straps?
Already thought of using hook straps. That would probably solve the issue of most pull movements.
Still cant use heavier dumbbells for presses tho.

For now I avoid any exercise that requires a strong grip and switched over to mostly machines.

My therapy with the best dermatologist I could find begins in about 2 weeks. Still gonna take atleast 6 to 9 months to heal that up if it even ever gets back to before.
Honestly hope 10IU gh speeds that up a little, dunno if TB500 and BPC would help?
Already thought of using hook straps. That would probably solve the issue of most pull movements.
Still cant use heavier dumbbells for presses tho.

For now I avoid any exercise that requires a strong grip and switched over to mostly machines.

My therapy with the best dermatologist I could find begins in about 2 weeks. Still gonna take atleast 6 to 9 months to heal that up if it even ever gets back to before.
Honestly hope 10IU gh speeds that up a little, dunno if TB500 and BPC would help?
Wow that sounds painful, and that was all because of that medication?
Wow that sounds painful, and that was all because of that medication?
I couldnt think of any other reason.
Didnt change diet, roids or any other medication and it started pretty much right after beginning the treatment.
Yea, shits painful.. I could live with it, looks stupid and all but worst thing is being scared of losing them altogether.
I couldnt think of any other reason.
Didnt change diet, roids or any other medication and it started pretty much right after beginning the treatment.
Yea, shits painful.. I could live with it, looks stupid and all but worst thing is being scared of losing them altogether.
But if you lost them it wouldnt hurt anymore?
But if you lost them it wouldnt hurt anymore?
I guess it would get worse since that skin is more sensitive.
Maybe even more prone to infections but talking outta my ass here.
Anyways, just wanted to warn people. The risk of more severe sides is real and I'd rather not have used it for my face
There are 3 OTC drugs for acne that all work about as well as each other: benzoyl peroxide, azlaic acid, and adapalene. It's best to use them in conjunction with each other. Studies have shown 2.5% benzoyl peroxide works just as well as 5% or 10% with less irritation. Azlaic acid is non-exfoliating and non-irritating and mainly kills acne bacteria. OTC azleic acid is 10% in the US but 15-20% is OTC in other countries you can order from, notably Australia. Adapalene is a retinoid, 0.1% concentration is available OTC but you can get 0.3% via prescription.

Hydrocolloid patches:
Once acne forms, instead of popping the pimple you can put one of these patches over it overnight and it will suck the pus out of it without leaving a scar. There are patches with microdarts as well. They work very well.
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Bonus topicals:
Salicylic acid- unlike other acids is oil soluble and deeply unclogs clogged pores, maximum concentration OTC is 2% so look for a product that says 2%. It self neutralizes in about 3 minutes so using a 2% SA cleanser/wash, keeping it on for 3 minutes and washing it off is sufficient.
Niacinamide- reduces oil production, it also has moisturizing and anti-redness properties. The Ordinary has a 10% serum.

Retinoids like adapalene, retin-a and tazarotene will cause your skin you get worse for about 4-6 weeks before getting better. The second week is the worst. Adapalene has advantages that it penetrates deeper than the others, is less irritating than the others, and light doesn't break it down so you can put it on in daytime unlike retin-a. You can also use benzoyl peroxide with it unlike retin-a.

Oral accutane/isotretinoin is an isomer of retin-a/tretinoin with similar properties only taken oral. The side effects (joint/muscle soreness, chapped lips, hair loss, eye/skin photosensitivity, liver damage, depression) are so severe that the company that developed it no longer makes it because of the lawsuits. But it is available as a generic drug and sometimes is the only thing that works. It's main advantage is it works permanently in most people. But don't reach for an oral drug if topicals will work instead.

You will need to use a moisturizer and sunscreen with retinoids

A dematologist or esthician can do a 10-30% salicylic acid peel or a 1%-5% retinoic acid (aka retin-a/tretinoin) peel. A variety of other peels are available too but these work best for acne. They cost about $200-300 and are done about once a month. You may need to stay home for a few days afterwards due to the chemical burning your face and healing from that.
View attachment 170395

There are milder peels like The Ordinary's 30% AHA/BHA peel you can get OTC for $8 and are safe to do yourself once a month. You should not experience burning.

It takes 3 months for new skin cells to reach the top of your skin. So deep acne might take a month or two to surface and likewise any intervention you make with your skin you might not see a difference for a few months. A peel is the exception though, it works quickly.

Yeah those peels can have amazing results.
Do these really work?
Nothing works except roaccutane. For anyone suffering from steroid hormonal acne low dose 20mg for 6 weeks will cure almost anyone.

"Dangerous" wtf are you on people, it's more dangerous half of what you're doing here and in vain I gotta say, cuz you don't even get desired results lol...
Nothing works except roaccutane. For anyone suffering from steroid hormonal acne low dose 20mg for 6 weeks will cure almost anyone.

"Dangerous" wtf are you on people, it's more dangerous half of what you're doing here and in vain I gotta say, cuz you don't even get desired results lol...

I used isotretinoin in the past. I'm not against it. I would add to your post that you have to start isotretinoin before the cycle as it takes time to "kick in". So about 2 months before the cycle is imo a good idea. A dose of 10 to 20mg max.

But I'm still interested in opinions about the patch. Does it really suck out the sebum?
Nothing works except roaccutane.
For some people. Usually they get it taken care of as a teenager though.

But I'm still interested in opinions about the patch. Does it really suck out the sebum?
Here's a couple vids from dermatologists. The first is a short one:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MB4f9nJ1dAg

The pimple will need to have surfaced first though. It won't work on a deep one. The ones with microneedles puncture the skin a little to help facilitate drainage.
To add on to isotretinoin, there's been more research about effective doses done recently that are pretty promising for smaller doses. Traditionally doc will have build up to a cumulative dose of about 120 to 150 mg of accutane per kg of bodyweight, hold it until acne is clear, then stop treatment a couple of months after the acne is gone. When I took it in high school it was a high dose, I believe 75 mg/day. Shitty side effects, but the theory was that high doses would shorten the length of the treatment.

Studies are showing now that a low dose of 10-20 mg/day have much less side effects, and the same ability to prevent future acne after treatment. Only downside is having to run it for a longer period of time.
I’ve messed around with both approaches and I think hard and heavy works better than low and slow for people trying to dry up the oil for years. My first course was at age 16. High dosage. Dried me up for a solid decade.

I did another couple of courses in my 30s low and slow and I’ll be damned if my skin ain’t oily as hell again at 42. Just started another round. Probably high MGs and shorter duration. I’m not stopping until my lips are cracked and bloody lol
I used isotretinoin in the past. I'm not against it. I would add to your post that you have to start isotretinoin before the cycle as it takes time to "kick in". So about 2 months before the cycle is imo a good idea. A dose of 10 to 20mg max.

But I'm still interested in opinions about the patch. Does it really suck out the sebum?
No need to load anything or take that long, just take 20mg for 6 weeks and it's enough for a mild steroid acne.