what is my bodyfat and how long to reach 10% bodyfat?


I have never taken my diet or training seriously. always half-assing, but I want to become serious about fitness, lifting etc.

if I start a proper cutting diet with high protein, high fat, low carb, daily dry fasts, hard training and 1000+ calorie deficit. how long can I go from my current bodyfat to 10%?

is it possible to go from my current bodyfat to 8-10% in 4 weeks with the plan above?

relaxed pics:












Yeah it's possible but not optimal. Why the rush can I ask? People may disagree but I hate high fats on a diet, it makes no sense to me being the highest calorie macro too. I'd do 1 gram per lb of bw in protein and keep carbs as high as you can seeing as you plan on being in a big calorie deficit otherwise you're just gonna feel flat and you're gonna be drained of energy physically and mentally. Just my advice.
You're skinny enough, it's time to grow your muscles. You're under 15% no question maybe 12%

Get a dexa scan. They're $40-50 with bodyspec.com
A) if I start a proper cutting diet
Yes, you can get to 10% fairly easily with a proper cut. You appear to be about 15% ATM.
B) high protein, high fat, low carb, daily dry fasts, hard training and 1000+ calorie deficit. how long can I go from my current bodyfat to 10%?
Well that is NOT a proper cutting diet. While you can go high protein, high fat, & low carb, its not gonna make you lose weight any more than a diet with equal protein, calories, and high carb (given you have enough fats for essential endocrine function). Excess initial weight loss is gonna be water. Dry fasting is also not a solid part of a cut, if you want to try fasting that's A-OK, but dry fasts (especially daily IF style ones) will also just cut more water. Regular IF fasting is a much more solid option, and if you want to do 24+ hour fasts, feel free. I'd not go above 72 hours total, and I wouldn't dry fast at all (I've done fasting & dry fasting before, I assure you dry fasting is only superior for cutting water, or if you're already fasting for 48+ hours). A 1K cal deficit out the gate is also WAY too damn steep. Time to 10% will depend on what gear you run, and your overall daily deficit, but what you described is NOT a good diet model.
is it possible to go from my current bodyfat to 8-10% in 4 weeks with the plan above?
With gear? I'd say possible but unlikely. If you want a more realistic timeframe, 8 weeks. But you'd have to diet hard & run a few fat burners.
day I reach 9% bodyfat, is the day I will get my first girlfriend

If you believe that to be true, you are setting yourself up for an awful lot of disappointment...

Pretty trollish remark to make, I have a hard time buying it.

If not, I don't see the point of cutting here at all. You need to add mass or you're going to be a 9% bf dude who doesn't look like he even lifts when you have a shirt on.
so I can stop paying for sex

the day I reach 9% bodyfat, is the day I will get my first girlfriend
Wtf are you talking about. First if all your super lean, gain muscle and your fat percentage goes down.
Second i hope your joking about theb9% girlfriend thing, otherwise you have way bigger problems.
Yes, you can get to 10% fairly easily with a proper cut. You appear to be about 15% ATM.

Well that is NOT a proper cutting diet. While you can go high protein, high fat, & low carb, its not gonna make you lose weight any more than a diet with equal protein, calories, and high carb (given you have enough fats for essential endocrine function). Excess initial weight loss is gonna be water. Dry fasting is also not a solid part of a cut, if you want to try fasting that's A-OK, but dry fasts (especially daily IF style ones) will also just cut more water. Regular IF fasting is a much more solid option, and if you want to do 24+ hour fasts, feel free. I'd not go above 72 hours total, and I wouldn't dry fast at all (I've done fasting & dry fasting before, I assure you dry fasting is only superior for cutting water, or if you're already fasting for 48+ hours). A 1K cal deficit out the gate is also WAY too damn steep. Time to 10% will depend on what gear you run, and your overall daily deficit, but what you described is NOT a good diet model.

With gear? I'd say possible but unlikely. If you want a more realistic timeframe, 8 weeks. But you'd have to diet hard & run a few fat burners.
He’s no where near 15% …. He’s closer to 10-12% . Didn’t even read anything after your initial thought of 15% … wow
Lol you think you're gonna have a girlfriend at 10% bf !! You're delusional!

You need to come at least 6% bone dry with rock hard obliques and veins on them to get the girlfriend !
You need thick upper back and 3d delts and triceps! No woman like guys with flanky arms and baseball delts you're gonna be disappointed!

If you think some chicken n rice along with some steroids gonna do it ! You sell yourself sort!
You need at least 3.5g of steroids along with gh slin diuretics and all kind of fat burners you can't even imagine some freaks do methamphetamine along with high tren ace to get that girlfriend so your competition is pretty high!

After all that you're not gonna find a girlfriend you're gonna find a wife ! But here's the tricky part ! Your cock won't work but at least you have a fresh cooked dish every day!

What I would do in your situation is 500mg cheap test e a week and fuck some cheap ass hookers for 10-30$ you can find some pretty good deals among gypsies and drug addicts.
Lol you think you're gonna have a girlfriend at 10% bf !! You're delusional!

You need to come at least 6% bone dry with rock hard obliques and veins on them to get the girlfriend !
You need thick upper back and 3d delts and triceps! No woman like guys with flanky arms and baseball delts you're gonna be disappointed!

If you think some chicken n rice along with some steroids gonna do it ! You sell yourself sort!
You need at least 3.5g of steroids along with gh slin diuretics and all kind of fat burners you can't even imagine some freaks do methamphetamine along with high tren ace to get that girlfriend so your competition is pretty high!

After all that you're not gonna find a girlfriend you're gonna find a wife ! But here's the tricky part ! Your cock won't work but at least you have a fresh cooked dish every day!

What I would do in your situation is 500mg cheap test e a week and fuck some cheap ass hookers for 10-30$ you can find some pretty good deals among gypsies and drug addicts.
I’m paying 80-100$ for rub and tugs when you can find Gypsie hookers for 10-30 bucks???
I haven't been on a hooker alcohol tacos and cocaine rampage in quite some time. Then go to work hungover/cracked out. Good memories from my 20s.
so I can stop paying for sex

the day I reach 9% bodyfat, is the day I will get my first girlfriend
I'm sure you're joking, and it made me laugh, but one thing it took me a lot of time to learn is girls want a guy with money who can provide for them and maybe a future family... not so much a guy with abs. ;)
Dude the goal is to be 250 and 10 percent bodyfat. Your skinny you need muscle first. Put on muscle you don't even look like you lift.