What made you choose this sport?


New Member
What made you to do bodybuilding/powerlifting?
Let me hear your personal experience that truly motivated you.

I picked bodybuilding because it was the first sport when I started that it was fully under my control and actually love what I am doing. I was forced to do all kind of sport during my childhood like football or karate. Never truly I enjoyed those things but I had to do them. I was always a skinny kid and never had any satisfaction how I looked. First my friend got me into the local gym and had a great time because it was the first time that I felt accepted and not judged the way I looked. After a year I hired a personal coach and started to focus more and more, getting my training to improve, dial in my nutrition and sleep. I started to see real change in my physique in a while and was genuinely happy that I made progress. 1-2 years passed and started to do it somewhat seriously and trying to learn more and more. And went from 42 to 80kg after 5 years. I want to do at least 1 show in the future but not really sure when.

Basically my motivation was the accepting and loving community. I am glad that I found this sport and nowdays it became a part of my life.
For me it’s just 3 simple reasons

1- I got the building gene that most men have but it doesn’t translate to construction of buildings and stuff. Just a physique.

2- I want to look better naked than other dudes I’m competing with for snatch.

3- I actually enjoy cramming a bunch stims in my gullet and training hard. It’s enjoyable. Especially when the hormones are optimized and you get damn near instant feedback from training.
For me it’s just 3 simple reasons

1- I got the building gene that most men have but it doesn’t translate to construction of buildings and stuff. Just a physique.

2- I want to look better naked than other dudes I’m competing with for snatch.

3- I actually enjoy cramming a bunch stims in my gullet and training hard. It’s enjoyable. Especially when the hormones are optimized and you get damn near instant feedback from training.
Totally reasonable, thanks for sharing
1- I needed an outlet for my life frustrations
2- Killing stupid people is not an option
3- I want to die on my feet, not a miserable fat fuck shitting myself at 110 years old
4- I want to be the wall between the ones I love and bad intentions
1- I needed an outlet for my life frustrations
2- Killing stupid people is not an option
3- I want to die on my feet, not a miserable fat fuck shitting myself at 110 years old
4- I want to be the wall between the ones I love and bad intentions
Well said
I watched the first episode of Incredible Hulk. After that the addiction began. I had my own weight set of barbells and dumbells that I filled with water. Think I was 11-12 years old.
By 15, I was old enough to have my first gym member ship. It helped stop a lot of the bullying and I kicked each one my school bulls asses, 6th grade bully, 9th grade bully, and 11th grade bully. I was 5'9" and made it to 205lbs naturally by 18. Did 4 cycles in my early 20s all were fake but one. That real cycle pushed me to 224 doing an 8 week pyramid cycle with the max dose of 600mg at the top of the pyramid for just one week. Old school pyramids...memories.
Then took a 15 year break and got back into it lifting and gear at 226lbs 15-17% bf. Went to 257lbs after a couple years then cut to 235ish. Now I'm 253lbs with less bf% and hoping to cut to 238-240lbs.
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I can't speak for all. I was thin but tall growing up. Throwing on weight brought alpha male aka pussy my way. Now I just enjoy the workouts and lifestyle. There is no more competition I care about... unless I see someone bigger than me.
1. I want a better pick of the litter when it comes to pussy.
2. I learned to hate sports where I relied upon other people, bodybuilding and running were what I settled with for not needing anyone else.
3. I like looking like a Greek god
I believe it was the welterweight champion, Socrates, who said “what a shame it is for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength his body is capable of.”

Plus, and this is sick and vein and I’m not proud to admit this. But I love the thought of knowing that certain women I’ve been with or ones that have seen me close to naked envision my body on top of them in their fantasies or when they are enduring sex with a slob or even a dude with just a decent physique. That was a sick goal of mine for a while during the peak of my training career.
I didn't like sports where i had to grapple or rub around on sweaty guys or slap their asses and this filled that niche!
The ability to change myself and become stronger drove me in to fitness. I can't say I belong to some label like "bodybuilder" or something, just in general I like to train regardless if it's outside with bodyweight, bars or in the gym. I like being active person.

Diet and controling how I look is something I'm passionate about. I'm responsible for the way I feel and look. Yes, I have what I have in terms of genetics. But I want to make sure I can do my best to look the way I want to look. Is it perfect? No, I don't want to be that anyway.