What orals affect the liver the least?

He should, because he's wasting his money.
But acquiring from a climic is legal. This is sort of an insurance policy. Is it likely he'd get busted with ugly stuff? Not likely but mitigating even that small risk has a cost and some people are more than happy to pay it.

Edit: I should have read the whole thread before replying. Some compounding pharmacies definitely go right up to the legal/illegal line.

My main point that paying a premium over url for the peach of mind to be free from legal implications is still a real thing for some people. But perhaps this "clinic" is not really accomplishing that goal.
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I have never taken var but Dbol was quite mild for me, certainly friendly to lipids which are much more important than liver tests
I can't speak on too many orals, but, for me anyway, anavar has been a fairly safe compound to use at a reasonable dose for months on end. I ran 25 mg from August 15 to mid November after pectoral tendon reattachment surgery followed by a debridement and irrigation procedure due to a staph infection two weeks later with liver enzymes never elevating above high-normal. Not saying 25 mg for months is a reasonable dosage, but it has helped tremendously with my recovery and didn't give me problems.
Orals are simple, but them in an RX bottle. I bring a bunch of empty RX bottles with my on vacation where I can return with goodies.

Injectables put them in a sterile bottle of whatever, shaving oil for example.

If you have an RX for the injectables that is the ultimate way. You can also make your own RX label with a laser printer.