What to add to cycle?

Sleeves MFAM

New Member

I’ve been running 200mg of Test C for about a year now just because my levels were low. But I have plateaued and want to keep moving up.

What would be a good cycle to add or increase test to to see better results?

I went from 170lbs to 215lbs with a very small increase in body fat in a little over 4 months and test levels are sitting around 800-900.
Is this your TRT and you’re planning on blasting and cruising, not PCT? What is your e2 at 200mg test? And have you ever escalated past 200 before?
It seems like you did well on 200mg. I bet you could blast 400-500 and see a real improvement. Then cruise back on 200.
Either raise the test for 12-16 weeks then drop back down to a cruise level, or start dabbling with the more mild side of things for the same or shorter timeframe.

What's your stats? That's a solid place to start. Without that, none of us can give any solid advice.
test is all you will ever need
just increase it imo if you maxed out your food intake with stagnant results
most I would go up to is 500mg a week.

that amount will get you to what I would call your maximum sustainable size. Any above that will be really hard to maintain on a cruise dose imo
up the test to 300-500 or add something like 100-300mg masteron, primo, NPP, eq or DHB to your 200mg testosterone. Watch out so you dont crash your estrogen if you add primo or EQ though, they can act as AIs quite strongly in some people.

I would probably up the test to 300-400mg and see how that does and then add another anabolic at 100-300mg.
up the test to 300-500 or add something like 100-300mg masteron, primo, NPP, eq or DHB to your 200mg testosterone. Watch out so you dont crash your estrogen if you add primo or EQ though, they can act as AIs quite strongly in some people.

I would probably up the test to 300-400mg and see how that does and then add another anabolic at 100-300mg.
I second this-- minus the DHB-- causes too much unnecessary inflammation. My personal rec is 400test and 200mast or primo. But any of the other compounds above are cool to play around with.

I’ve been running 200mg of Test C for about a year now just because my levels were low. But I have plateaued and want to keep moving up.

What would be a good cycle to add or increase test to to see better results?

I went from 170lbs to 215lbs with a very small increase in body fat in a little over 4 months and test levels are sitting around 800-900.
If I gained 45lbs of muscle in four months on 200mg test a week I wouldn't change a thing

Holy cow