what to expect from insulin and gh on a bulk


Just started my blast 750 test, 450 tren, 450 mast, 5iu gh and 10iu humalog pre/post 2 weeks ago. Realistically what can I expect over 16 -24 weeks (if my bloods allow). Slowly building up food but rn 350 protein, 500 carbs, 75 fats, I plan to only directly increase the carbs when I stall out. 6'2 260lbs - also just added 100mcg t4 as my free t4 was 10 on a (11-21) scale.
wost case? bitch tits from excess aromatization, insomnia, irritiability and acid reflux from the tren, water retention and thus high blood pressure from the GH/slin/test/estrogen, insulin resistance from the GH and excess calories coupled with the sleep loss from the tren.

Depending on your calorie balance: good gains, good fat loss, some recomp and progression in the gym.

also, nobody can tell you what you as the person you are, which we know nothing about, should expect from this. Id expect some good gains if you are eating enough and training hard and enough though.

the analogy id use is "what should i expect from using his fuel?" well.. what kind of car are we driving? what are the specs?
wost case? bitch tits from excess aromatization, insomnia, irritiability and acid reflux from the tren, water retention and thus high blood pressure from the GH/slin/test/estrogen, insulin resistance from the GH and excess calories coupled with the sleep loss from the tren.

Depending on your calorie balance: good gains, good fat loss, some recomp and progression in the gym.

also, nobody can tell you what you as the person you are, which we know nothing about, should expect from this. Id expect some good gains if you are eating enough and training hard and enough though.

the analogy id use is "what should i expect from using his fuel?" well.. what kind of car are we driving? what are the specs?
good point thanks dude
I would lower tren swap masteron for equipoise
And I would at least do double the testosterone.

If you come from a lean state you doesn’t need that high of a tren and masteron dosage to keep it tight.
If you aren’t that lean I wouldn’t run this cycle.

If goal is growth find a nice test base let’s say 1.5g test and escalate test GH and insulin dosages as you progress
Insulin resistance from 5iu is laughable. Personally I wouldn't run a pre contest stack for a bulk but I'm sure you'll still get fine results. At your size you'll need a lot more than 500g carbs to grow with that dose of tren but thats a good place to start.

Be sure to prioritize sleep and recovery.
I would lower tren swap masteron for equipoise
And I would at least do double the testosterone.

If you come from a lean state you doesn’t need that high of a tren and masteron dosage to keep it tight.
If you aren’t that lean I wouldn’t run this cycle.

If goal is growth find a nice test base let’s say 1.5g test and escalate test GH and insulin dosages as you progress
interesting - might have just talked me into raising my test dose
I would just start at 0.5ml test ED along with 5ish GH. And I would peak it around 1.5ml test ED 10iu GH slin very individual I would also add anadrol IF growing is the goal