What to say to doctor about T/E ratio


New Member
I got bloodwork done recently and meet with my doctor soon. He’s checking for abnormalities in my BW to determine gear usage.my total T was 520, so normal. Liver enzymes slightly elevated but nothing unreasonable- I’ll just say it’s from training really hard. Now my doc isn’t a genius and I don’t think he’ll mention it because I’ve gotten bw multiple times on gear with everything normal except t/e ratio. Now what can my explanation be for why it’s 18?(it should be less than 6 really. I’m not sure if he’s gonna ask but I want to be prepared.
There’s always the play dumb option. If you need to explain low estrogen, just say you bought some test booster supplement that the guy at the supp store sold you and it’s supposed to increase test and control estrogen. Doctor will prob think you’re an idiot but it’s a one time free pass
There’s always the play dumb option. If you need to explain low estrogen, just say you bought some test booster supplement that the guy at the supp store sold you and it’s supposed to increase test and control estrogen. Doctor will prob think you’re an idiot but it’s a one time free pass
It’s not actually estrogen it’s testosterone to epitestosterone. Unfortunately I didn’t say that in the post but here’s clarification. If he even asks I’ll probably play the dumb card
Oooo gotcha. Don’t think there’s a way to dance around that one that I’ve ever stumbled across in my years of reading up on PEDs. I could be wrong tho as I’ve never had the direct need to study up on beating a drug test
What a pain in the ass, why are they even checking you for testosterone/epitestosterone ratio outside of a competitive sport context? I'm really curious. If he knows about the ratio, it's really a dead giveaway that you are using exogenous T. If you know what they test for (if they don't check hcg), you could drop the test and use hcg for a couple of weeks before the test, since it should raise test and epitestosterone at 1:1 ratio.
What a pain in the ass, why are they even checking you for testosterone/epitestosterone ratio outside of a competitive sport context? I'm really curious. If he knows about the ratio, it's really a dead giveaway that you are using exogenous T. If you know what they test for (if they don't check hcg), you could drop the test and use hcg for a couple of weeks before the test, since it should raise test and epitestosterone at 1:1 ratio.
Like I said it’s a specific reason but pretty much he doesn’t want to be on gear. It ties in with my post about my labs on tren.
If you're not a drug-tested athlete, why in the world is a doctor administering the T:E ratio test?

The only reason that test is given is because they suspect you are using AAS and want to catch you using AAS.

It's a cheap test. And if you fail it, it gives them reason to administer a more rigorous anti-doping test.
I thought it's the norm to use epitestosterone as a masking agent at this point in any setting it might be tested in.
I thought it's the norm to use epitestosterone as a masking agent at this point in any setting it might be tested in.

WADA testing looks at absolute levels of T/E metabolites in addition to ratio. So this is a no-go.