What would be the issue “microdosing” many AAS?

Pinnacle Elements

Considering all AAS have different benefits and seem to present negative side effects past a certain dosage of the compound-

Opposed to a typical blast of 2-3 compounds why not “microdose” 5-7?

For example:

Test 100mg
Tren 100mg
Nandrolone 100mg
Primo 100mg
Mast 100mg

Plus 3-4iu HGH but that’s not an AAS.

Ester doesn’t matter.

Serious question, have people attempted this before? What would be the reasons to not? Assuming the individual is a vet and has responded well to each compounds previously.
maybe if they are short esters it would work well. you would probably would need to watch your e2 levels with that mix and up the test if it starts dropping.
Too many variables at play. If you got side effects, it would be hard to isolate it to a specific compound and/or dose. Some compounds you'll respond great to, with minimal sides. Other compounds you'll respond poorly to and get negative sides from. It's very individualized.

Stacking 2 19 nors could also be disastrous in terms of psychological side effects, prolactin sides, gyno.

I mean it's an interesting concept on paper, microdosing multiple compounds to try to maximize a range of benefits, but I just don't think it's entirely practical, or we'd probably hear a lot more about it.

But to some extent people do this with contest prep where they stack DHTs and orals, and tank their estrogen to get as dry as possible, but idk about the whole stacking NPP and tren thing
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Too many variables at play. If you got side effects, it would be hard to isolate it a specific compound and/or dose. Some compounds you'll respond great to, with minimal sides. Other compounds you'll respond poorly to and get negative sides from. It's very individualized.

Stacking 2 19 nors could also be disastrous in terms of psychological side effects, prolactin sides, gyno.

I mean it's an interesting concept on paper, microdosing multiple compounds to try to maximize a range of benefits, but I just don't think it's entirely practical, or we'd probably hear a lot more about it.

But to some extent people do this with contest prep where they stack DHTs and orals, and tank their estrogen to get as dry as possible, but idk about the whole stacking NPP and tren thing
Exactly, troubleshooting problems becomes a bitch.
I mean it's an interesting concept on paper, microdosing multiple compounds to try to maximize a range of benefits, but I just don't think it's entirely practical, or we'd probably hear a lot more about it.
Getting the ratios "right" is also kind of an endless process.
Considering all AAS have different benefits and seem to present negative side effects past a certain dosage of the compound-

Opposed to a typical blast of 2-3 compounds why not “microdose” 5-7?

For example:

Test 100mg
Tren 100mg
Nandrolone 100mg
Primo 100mg
Mast 100mg

Plus 3-4iu HGH but that’s not an AAS.

Ester doesn’t matter.

Serious question, have people attempted this before? What would be the reasons to not? Assuming the individual is a vet and has responded well to each compounds previously.
This is my cycle currently minus the npp.
Test Cyp 75mg ED
Primo 40mg ED
Tren Ace 50mg ED
Mast P 40mg ED
Hgh 11.5iu

Like the dudes above said it took a little figuring out at first signs of low e2 the first week. I’m coming up on 4 weeks right now and feel great. Strong libido, mood is good and have great energy throughout the day and getting stronger while being in a calorie deficit. BP hasn’t gone up either. I do 1hr twenty minutes a day of liss cardio and take 5mg a day Cialis.
This is my cycle currently minus the npp.
Test Cyp 75mg ED
Primo 40mg ED
Tren Ace 50mg ED
Mast P 40mg ED
Hgh 11.5iu

Like the dudes above said it took a little figuring out at first signs of low e2 the first week. I’m coming up on 4 weeks right now and feel great. Strong libido, mood is good and have great energy throughout the day and getting stronger while being in a calorie deficit. BP hasn’t gone up either. I do 1hr twenty minutes a day of liss cardio and take 5mg a day Cialis.
good call with Cialis and cardio
This is my cycle currently minus the npp.
Test Cyp 75mg ED
Primo 40mg ED
Tren Ace 50mg ED
Mast P 40mg ED
Hgh 11.5iu

Like the dudes above said it took a little figuring out at first signs of low e2 the first week. I’m coming up on 4 weeks right now and feel great. Strong libido, mood is good and have great energy throughout the day and getting stronger while being in a calorie deficit. BP hasn’t gone up either. I do 1hr twenty minutes a day of liss cardio and take 5mg a day Cialis.
Okay, I’m sold. I’m doing it with the NPP. 15mg of each a day. 3.5iu HGH. I already take cialis daily so I’ll make sure to monitor BP and pull bloods.
300mg/ml + is already PIP territory

500mg/ml + comes with disclaimers warning of flu like symptoms and significant pain.

600mg/ml + should include some cyanide in the mix for a quick, merciful death.
I’ved pinned 450mg Test Primo and Mast blend already it’s nothin.

I would do that blend again and pull Tren A and NPP 100mg/ml as standalones into the same syringe so it’d be diluted too. Averages to 216mg/ml.
Okay, I’m sold. I’m doing it with the NPP. 15mg of each a day. 3.5iu HGH. I already take cialis daily so I’ll make sure to monitor BP and pull bloods.
The minor adjustments from the first week I started with
I’ve tried it with npp In the passed gave me massive anxiety and depression. Could have been the combination with the tren though to.
Test 75mg
Primo 60mg
Lowering the primo to 40mg has been the sweet spot for me without needing to adjust anything else.
I also take 200mg p5p 2x day to help a little bit with pro lacton. Haven’t needed any nolva but I always keep that on hand.
The minor adjustments from the first week I started with
I’ve tried it with npp In the passed gave me massive anxiety and depression. Could have been the combination with the tren though to.
Test 75mg
Primo 60mg
Lowering the primo to 40mg has been the sweet spot for me without needing to adjust anything else.
I also take 200mg p5p 2x day to help a little bit with pro lacton. Haven’t needed any nolva but I always keep that on hand.
That all still comes out to pretty high doses though. Youre blasting almost 2g of gear a week. I’m thinking like 500mg max.

I’ll definitely take your ratios into mind. You feel like you’ve balanced everything basically?