whatman filter reusable?


AnabolicLab.com Supporter
can I filter then put in plastic zip loc baggie and use again next day or week or two later?

I'll run some rubbing alcohol thru filter and let dry before reusing.
I'm sure it's frowned upon. Things of that sort are usually considered single use in this game.

Yea it's cheap enough to replace. I only need to filter couple vials. I was asking in case I couldn't push oil thru the filter in 1 sitting because I just saw a pic of someone rigging a caulking gun contraption so it must take a lot of pressure.
If you were going to do that I would run BA through it instead of rubbing alcohol. I would do it both after you used it the first time and before you use it again.
Yea it's cheap enough to replace. I only need to filter couple vials. I was asking in case I couldn't push oil thru the filter in 1 sitting because I just saw a pic of someone rigging a caulking gun contraption so it must take a lot of pressure.
For what it's worth heating the oil first will make it easier. Not sure what compound you are brewing, but maybe think about trying MCT oil. It runs through the filter a lot easier.
For what it's worth heating the oil first will make it easier. Not sure what compound you are brewing, but maybe think about trying MCT oil. It runs through the filter a lot easier.

Thanks for advice. I am not brewing (wish I was). I just have 2 vials of test prop that I saw particles that looks like lint. The PIP crippled me for almost solid 7 days and the injection area was slightly red, warm to touch & slightly swollen. Don't have virgin muscles, but that was my first test prop. Does this look like a normal reaction to 1st time using test prop? My quads looked normal after about 3-5 days.

I am done filtering. I did hear up on candle warmer. The pressure wasn't that bad. It took about 3 mins per 10ml to push thru filter. End product looks crystal clear.

I just pinned 50ml in each VG area, but used slin pin so it was 100% subQ.

I would have thrashed it, but I paid gym price for it. And I wanted to learn more about filtering which hopefully one day I'll brew a small batch.
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Couple things on my mind here. 1) the contaminant in the vial. Obviously thats an issue. Quality control issue. Whats the quality like outside the contaminants that you can see with the naked eye. 2) the fact that you can pin this with a slin pin suggests that it is ethyl oleate. Atleast most likely. Not everyone tolerates ethyl oleate well. Some have an allergic reaction that would look and sound like your side effects. 3) can't remember 3 now. I find that, from what I've seen, a large majority of folks tolerate EO perfectly fine. I brew my gear with 100% EO. Absolutely no discomfort at all by me and all my friends except one. Now, the one that had discomfort was a first time user and pinned 3ml in one site all at once which could have been his problem. Imo, it would serve you well to find another product that is not EO based and try that. It may not be the prop Ester at all. This is what I would do so you don't waste 2 vials of gear. You can get some test e and mix half a ml each and pin that eod. Obviously test e without EO. Use that prop as a kickstart. The test e will dilute your prop and hopefully remedy your problem. Once prop is gone continue the test e 1ml e4d. See hoe that works.
Couple things on my mind here. 1) the contaminant in the vial. Obviously thats an issue. Quality control issue. Whats the quality like outside the contaminants that you can see with the naked eye. 2) the fact that you can pin this with a slin pin suggests that it is ethyl oleate. Atleast most likely. Not everyone tolerates ethyl oleate well. Some have an allergic reaction that would look and sound like your side effects. 3) can't remember 3 now. I find that, from what I've seen, a large majority of folks tolerate EO perfectly fine. I brew my gear with 100% EO. Absolutely no discomfort at all by me and all my friends except one. Now, the one that had discomfort was a first time user and pinned 3ml in one site all at once which could have been his problem. Imo, it would serve you well to find another product that is not EO based and try that. It may not be the prop Ester at all. This is what I would do so you don't waste 2 vials of gear. You can get some test e and mix half a ml each and pin that eod. Obviously test e without EO. Use that prop as a kickstart. The test e will dilute your prop and hopefully remedy your problem. Once prop is gone continue the test e 1ml e4d. See hoe that works.


(1) The quality is crappy as it doesn't look like a crimper was used and stopper is lower quality (hard plastic like) compared to others that I've seen.
(2) I am able to use slin pins with test cyp with no issues other than it takes few mins longer.
(3) I asked and the seller/distributor and he doesn't know what kind of oils is used.

Is there a smell to EO that is distinguishable?
To me, test cyp smells sweetish.

I have some pharma test cyp that I can mix in. I was gonna do that, but didin't know if there would be some sort of chain reaction between the two.
What brand is it? Your source should have offered to replace it if you relayed this same info to him. It's the cost of doing business and he is still making a considerable profit overall. I'm not asking who is your source, but asking skin what manufacture so I can tell you if I know what was used. No chain reaction. Well, at least no more of a chain reaction than mixing peanut butter and chocolate. I went and smelled my EO and it didn't have much of a smell at all. Actually smelled a few different bottles and all had not much of a smell.
What brand is it? Your source should have offered to replace it if you relayed this same info to him. It's the cost of doing business and he is still making a considerable profit overall. I'm not asking who is your source, but asking skin what manufacture so I can tell you if I know what was used. No chain reaction. Well, at least no more of a chain reaction than mixing peanut butter and chocolate. I went and smelled my EO and it didn't have much of a smell at all. Actually smelled a few different bottles and all had not much of a smell.


I doubt anybody ever heard of them. Its from a gym dude that my friend across the state got for me. The brand is Body Armor Labs or Body Armor Pharmaceuticals. I complained and my friend that doesn't know anything about AAS tried to relay my message, but the guy said going forward, I will sell at lower cost. Even with lower cost, its still almost twice as expensive as online sources.

Thanks for checking EO smell. Hopfully filtering reduced the PIP and injection site reaction. If not, I will add 1/2 test cyp + 1/2 of his crap.
I pinned 50mg in each hip area subcutaneously and next day each injection area had golf ball size bump about 1/2" protruding.

I mixed about 1/2 with pharma test cyp and pinned right glute and PIP next to nothing.

I wonder if prop doesn't do well subq. I am gonna mix the rest and use IM only.
How many pins in same muscle group before you noticed reduced PIP with test prop? I know everyone is different, but just trying to get general idea so that I can determine why I am having such issues.

Maybe I am allergic to prop ester?