what's better than clomid/enclomophene?

eh guys,

any insight would be appreciated.

have a gene for macular degeneration so dont want to mess around with clomid... however perhaps enclomophene may be ok but prefer not to risk it.

what other options are there for SARMS instead of clomid that actually work and perhaps better side effect profile(also want to stay away from any liver heavy ones). pharmacist went on about how I should try clomid however understood I didn't want to poke the bear with eye side effects.

HCG at least 1 brand I tried gave palpitations within 40min even on lower dose 150iu.

trying natesto felt awesome first few weeks but note ball is hurting now and shrinking even though was only taking it 1 time a day now usually 2x.. and want to keep fertility as much as possible. was hoping it would help me loose some fat but nothing yet after a few months and no longer get the boost I felt at the start and almost get stiffer now... vs the HCG man one day could barely walk legs so stiff from working and dehydrated next am would feel no stiffness lol like I was 19yo... not the case it would seem just on natesto.

sorry rambling again, question is simply what's a good options instead of clomid or HCG... is enclomophene THAT much better or simply hasn't been around as long and tested as much?

id be happy if trough was above 200 are test... ~3 hrs of waking 160-135 atm free test assume peak ~300 -350 during sleep but 100% a guess. prob should do a sleep study too I worked shifts strictly nights for a decade 2-3 weeks at a time with only few days in between shifts at times gained weight...