What's good fam?


New Member
Hello all! Just wanted to do an intro:
I have creeped on this forum for many years, with large gaps of not looking at all. Unwilling to take the risk of UGL product but always interested ever since I developed some health issues related to my kidneys and dehydration around 2016.

Throwing up for DAYS (longest probably was 3-4) unable to keep any liquid down for more than 4-6 minutes, had to be on dialysis for 10+ days in the hospital. Many other visits to the ER and Urgent Care for fluids since then and before, but without needed to go on dialysis.
I was a wrestler, powerlifter and track athlete in my youth. I am used to having 10+ exercise sessions a week.

I am skilled enough in the kitchen to eat healthy but without feeling like its a chore, so my diet is surprisingly great. In my youth I didn't realize that recovery time is as important or more than lifting or aerobics time. It got me very strong, but not large because of lack of rest to build the actual muscle, very good mind muscle connection from the powerlifting and the wrestling drills back in the day.

Most proud lifting moment when I was 14, 117lbs 5'1 and my 1RM for a deadlift was 475. I am now 36, 5'2 and weak AF. Got on TRT around 2022 being at the higher end of the low barrier for telehealth but not nearly low enough for a urologist RX. 120mg a week TestE at first, ballooned up to 150, then 200mg Which had me in the low 1000s free test. I then went down to 125mg TestE and 100mg Blodenone to rehab a knee injury that has plagued me since wrestling.

Felt better to awesome on all the different protocols. Kidney issues prevented me from my craft (Chef) due to all the vomiting (happened before TRT, kidneys and weight has ebbed and flowed for many years.) I have spent the last 5-6 years of my life vomiting and not being able to eat for almost a full week to feeling better for like a month with the same appetite I had when I was well enough to be a monster at the gym (overeating for the amount of cals I was burning) making me transition from 5'2 155lbs to 5'2 117 in a horrendous yo-yo

Some years the fluctuation would happen a full 2 times. Of course all muscle mass was catabolically destroyed over these years so those weight changes were a matter of getting fatter and scrawny over and over. Doing much better now but the TRT that helped is not affordable to me anymore paying off med bills. Went from an okay $1000 a week essentially as a private chef to $15/hr working remotely, capped at 24 hrs as I am a "private contractor."

I am here to find a trusted UGL so I can resume my TRT and hopefully (fingers crossed) with my recent bloodwork for my kidney's and liver looking better than ever since this started, get back to being a much more productive member of society. Any USA domestic advice as to a source is well appreciated as I have an unreasonably large fear of law enforcement lol.
Welcome, 475 dead lift at 117ibs? Has to be some kind of record. I could bairly pull 500@ 220 pounds at my best.
Welcome, 475 dead lift at 117ibs? Has to be some kind of record. I could bairly pull 500@ 220 pounds at my best.
also, hex bar, my deadlift from a straight bar was significantly lower, I like that number because 1: it sounds awesome and 2, it made all those tall arrogant assholes on the football team give me respect.