What's up with the gym labs banner?


10+ Year Member
I keep seeing this gym labs banner all over meso and nobody talks about them. Are they gtg? I sent them a email and I was sent to there site anyone have any info
Millard has made it clear that he wouldn't be accepting sponsor fees from any AAS sources for legal reasons yet GymLabs clearly looks to be a UGL. Not sure what's going on with that, perhaps he could elaborate.
Millard has made it clear that he wouldn't be accepting sponsor fees from any AAS sources for legal reasons yet GymLabs clearly looks to be a UGL. Not sure what's going on with that, perhaps he could elaborate.

IIRC he said you can't advertise here if there is a POS for AAS on your website..
The email I got was that they are resellers but I was sent to a site looks like they are ugl to me
I brought this up before in another thread, it went by the wayside. The link goes to roidseek I believe.
Roidsource. Nophat ran a cycle log here on their test prop and npp I believe. He was impressed with the results. I dont believe I have ever seen labmax results on any gym labs yet though.

I brought this up before in another thread, it went by the wayside. The link goes to roidseek I believe.
While we are on the subject.. What's the deal with "BuySteroids.com"? advertised in the left pane??
Kind of seems like an oxymoron here at Meso?!?!
Gotta make money somehow ..

If you put in your time here,
you will have no problem figuring out the banners..

I just ate alot of pasta.. I'm stuffed.. AND my ass hurts

Pickle Juice did work, for my Charlie Horse :D
ive done some of there test e recently and still using some glabs deca. seems right. . .but havent had bloods done. was curious why other meso members dont use them
Wanted to add tile recently reported an infection after a pin of gym labs vial. Its a bit unpredictable if it was finally the source. But just stating incase it has any significance to all this talk.
Wanted to add tile recently reported an infection after a pin of gym labs vial. Its a bit unpredictable if it was finally the source. But just stating incase it has any significance to all this talk.

tileguy123 may chime in and say what's up as well,. Infection after a pin of GL gear?
"Just so odd.. nothing wrong with my left delt or bicep. too many variables for this poor tired mind to comprehend. im most inclined to think i pushed to much oil and 2 compounds (deca and test 1.6, 1.7cc) into a fairly virgin muscle that is small ish . somehow it seeped out or followed natures gravity to the bicep and created an infection."
dper726, The guys doesn't know what happened, but how you know he got "Cellulitis" from pinning GL?
He also pinned almost 3.5 cc into his delt. TIle, everything was fine before you did that 3.5 cc pin?
I stand behind every brand I carry and every vial I sell and every statement, especially like you did, needs to be proven and explained.