What's with deca?


Being here for a while, I see discussions about many different cycles that include different test esters, mast, primo, HGH and the occasional scare topic about tren. And that's not to include the orals. I've seen a handful of NPP, but rarely deca itself used in cycles.

Maybe I'm not coming across the right topic, I get on sporadically throughout the day and read the interesting topics. I thought I'd see more of deca being used, especially with how many people talk badly about tren. So why the lack in usage?
Being here for a while, I see discussions about many different cycles that include different test esters, mast, primo, HGH and the occasional scare topic about tren. And that's not to include the orals. I've seen a handful of NPP, but rarely deca itself used in cycles.

Maybe I'm not coming across the right topic, I get on sporadically throughout the day and read the interesting topics. I thought I'd see more of deca being used, especially with how many people talk badly about tren. So why the lack in usage?
DECA dick is a thing for me so off limits.
Being here for a while, I see discussions about many different cycles that include different test esters, mast, primo, HGH and the occasional scare topic about tren. And that's not to include the orals. I've seen a handful of NPP, but rarely deca itself used in cycles.

Maybe I'm not coming across the right topic, I get on sporadically throughout the day and read the interesting topics. I thought I'd see more of deca being used, especially with how many people talk badly about tren. So why the lack in usage?
Alot of people cant or Don't want to handle the deca dick and gloomy cloud of a mood for some, i am currently using @135 mg npp week for joint support, and definitely dont feel quite as "chipper" as when on trt+/hgh,, And i have noticed a decreased erection quality and libido change,, ymmv
That's good to know. What if you were to offset it with HCG and/or cialis? Would that help at all. I see many use cialis as a pre, which is something I'm contemplating.
That's good to know. What if you were to offset it with HCG and/or cialis? Would that help at all. I see many use cialis as a pre, which is something I'm contemplating.
The de-bonering effect was absolute for me. Needed to wait for the ester to wear off before I was able to plow the dart I had in rotation at the time. Cialis and Viagra together did as much to my guy as the 300lb grandma across the street. Gods speed on your adventure, hope you have better luck than me.

Won't touch ND again. Run it from 80 to up 420 mg/week over the course of 3 cycles. Only one way to find out how it works with you.
Pretty sure it’s from the raised e2 with deca that causes Deca dick. But I’m not certain on that, but that’s what I read somewhere.

I’ve never gotten npp dick, matter of fact I was the kinkiest and horniest on npp, but my e2 was in check.

I may try deca in the summer. Will be interesting to see how it compares to my npp experience
I’m actually about a week out from starting the next NPP cycle. Even though I’m a chill guy and as much as I love Tren, it turns me into a monster. I can’t control myself, I would about kill cattle, rip my house apart, can’t believe I still have the girlfriend. That would’ve been my first choice, but NPP Aromatizes at 20% the rate of test and for me, if I do get into the deca dick and can’t control my E2 for whatever reason, it’s a fast acting ester that will clear my system quickly. The NPP kicks in 1-2 wks and have always grown very well with it. I don’t have to wait for the typical 3-4.5 wk “kick in” from deca. Im also running same dose of masteron to help offset the sides
deca is my fav...

guys these days are weak minded pussys who cry about depression and anxiety... i get zero negative sides from it
I know it gets talked about a decent amount here, but I really do think people's mentality when they go into this stuff impacts them. Placebo effect is real, psychosomatic stuff is real, and you go in convinced you're gonna have these awful side effects and I think you really increase the risk of having them.

I'm sure some people DO get them for whatever reason, but I'd be willing to wager that a good amount of people that experience them, if they had gone in blind to the fact that some people see those sides, would not.

There's other medications I had been on for years that I had never paid attention to the sides for and never experienced them, then as soon as someone was like "oh don't you get such and such side effect" two days later there I am thinking I'm experiencing it. Then I forget about it and the side effect goes away.
What was your dosage vs your test dosage if you don’t mind me asking?
I’m also interested in this. There seems to be few thoughts when it comes to this. The first thought is that you damn near run a 2:1 test to deca dose to ward off any ED issues and keep your drive up as some individuals claim deca takes away from aggression and is a more sluggish anabolic so higher test offsets this. I think this works within a reasonable dosage, but 600 deca and 1,200 mg would crush me

Some very experienced individuals swear by running test just above TRT levels on the test and let the nandrolone do its thing with excellent results and have no ED issues claiming that there isnt excess testosterone to aromatize E2 and cause ED dysfunction. Makes sense to me, especially sensitive E2 fuckers like myself. Some guys at these low levels will pop 20mg dbol to quickly adjust if they feel that their E2 is too low, especially if running mast or EQ.

Since I am E2 sensitive and nipples can hurt on week two even with 12.5 aromasin EW or .25 adex E3D and with masteron, I’m going to go 300 sust, 400 NPP, 300-400 Drostanolone propionate instead Drostanolone enanthate this time but everybody’s body is different. I am going to post this up on the board and see what everybody thinks and how much more NPP you would want to run weekly than Deca. If was going to be 300 deca but changed it up to NPP, what a guy increased the wkly dosage to 400 or 450 npp?
What was your dosage vs your test dosage if you don’t mind me asking?
It was a decade ago for sure so no clue. I always err on the side of less though and try double up test with ancillaries. Took about a week to start no dick action and maybe 10-14 days to come back. I remember that part... It wasn't placebo either I didn't know what DECA dick was until I read on Steroid Profiles.
I know it gets talked about a decent amount here, but I really do think people's mentality when they go into this stuff impacts them. Placebo effect is real, psychosomatic stuff is real, and you go in convinced you're gonna have these awful side effects and I think you really increase the risk of having them.

I'm sure some people DO get them for whatever reason, but I'd be willing to wager that a good amount of people that experience them, if they had gone in blind to the fact that some people see those sides, would not.

There's other medications I had been on for years that I had never paid attention to the sides for and never experienced them, then as soon as someone was like "oh don't you get such and such side effect" two days later there I am thinking I'm experiencing it. Then I forget about it and the side effect goes away.
exactly they give themselves side effects by already having a negative mindset going into it
Alot of people cant or Don't want to handle the deca dick and gloomy cloud of a mood for some, i am currently using @135 mg npp week for joint support, and definitely dont feel quite as "chipper" as when on trt+/hgh,, And i have noticed a decreased erection quality and libido change,, ymmv
I've read your post initially and didn't think about it. How bad are your joints? If I remember right you also take a good amount of Bpc. Has NPP helped with joints or you just take everything at once?
NPP > Deca... why? Because if you have issues its out of your system super fast compared to a few weeks with deca. NPP kicks in within a few days and is out of your system with a few days.

I do two to three mild cycles a year on top of my TRT. I only run about 50-60mg/EoD for about 6-8 weeks because it makes me real irritable and I start snapping at people after week 6.
There is a trend towards being lean in the off-season as well... deca doesn't go too well with that - especially if diet isn't in check. I love Deca myself and can run 1g+ with water retention as the only real side effect. Albeit I have to keep my test very low with 1g+ of deca, something like 50mg Test + 1200mg Deca. Feels great to me, VERY horny, my appetite is up, performance is up. Works for me