What's with deca?

Crazy there's such a difference. I know everyone experiences things differently, but still. For those that took deca without issue, what was your cycle like? Too many to tag individually.
That's good to know. What if you were to offset it with HCG and/or cialis? Would that help at all. I see many use cialis as a pre, which is something I'm contemplating.
ime with "adding" hcg Only makes it hard for me to keep my e2 in check without adding any more AI than i already take to maintain my e2 and i STILL can't keep it where i want lol ,, cialis/ viagra work to a degree, but i've had ed since high school unfortunately, , but it never stopped me from being a man whore , i would always blame the woman, IDK "this never happens " ;)
That's good to know. What if you were to offset it with HCG and/or cialis? Would that help at all. I see many use cialis as a pre, which is something I'm contemplating.
Yeah Cialis works. I've never had deca dick. I've run it up to 1.2grams but kept test under 100mg/week. I've also tried 500mg test with 200mg deca and still no problems down there. Everyone is unique though.
I've yet to try really high test with really high deca.

Another reason people pick NPP over deca is due to the shorter half life. Try npp first before moving to deca so you know you can handle it. Anecdotally people get better joint relief from deca and some don't get any on npp. And some people just refuse to use deca because it can leave metabolites in your system for up to a year.
It’s the internet, there are negative experiences with everything. For every negative experience with deca, there are dozens that had splendid results. It’s the best mass builder around, and I’ve gone as high as 1g of the shit for like 5 months. Experienced nothing but wild gains and tons of compliments. Dick worked fine, in fact, given the attention I got, it got more use than usual, and I don’t even mean with its usual date Palmela Handerson.
There is a trend towards being lean in the off-season as well... deca doesn't go too well with that - especially if diet isn't in check. I love Deca myself and can run 1g+ with water retention as the only real side effect. Albeit I have to keep my test very low with 1g+ of deca, something like 50mg Test + 1200mg Deca. Feels great to me, VERY horny, my appetite is up, performance is up. Works for me

This is the way. I’ve run Deca solo and with very low Test to keep estrogen in normal range. Best I’ve ever felt on those cycles! Similar amounts of Test + Deca ruins my brain and my dick.
Another reason people pick NPP over deca is due to the shorter half life. Try npp first before moving to deca so you know you can handle it. Anecdotally people get better joint relief from deca and some don't get any on npp. And some people just refuse to use deca because it can leave metabolites in your system for up to a year.

Thing is you maybe handle well NPP and have problems with deca. Milligram for milligram NPP is more potent due to "lighter" ester, decanoate takes more space per 1ml of concentration so it has less API.

BUT, deca overall is possibly stronger because it peaks higher in the bloodstream. You keep pinning without getting much for the first few weeks until it accumulates and the peak is higher than NPP which works from week 1 but clears faster out of the system.

Also regarding dick issues, there are numerous cases which ED pills didn't fix the issue. ED from nandrolone most often is not due to high estrogen, it's from progesterone and prolactin (especially if high e2 is present as well)
Yeah Cialis works. I've never had deca dick. I've run it up to 1.2grams but kept test under 100mg/week. I've also tried 500mg test with 200mg deca and still no problems down there. Everyone is unique though.
I've yet to try really high test with really high deca.

Another reason people pick NPP over deca is due to the shorter half life. Try npp first before moving to deca so you know you can handle it. Anecdotally people get better joint relief from deca and some don't get any on npp. And some people just refuse to use deca because it can leave metabolites in your system for up to a year.
On which variant did you feel better? The high test low deca or high deca low test? I just started my deca and i left my dosages lower so i have room to increase either the test or deca based on how i feel but so far i have 0 problems with a 1:1
On which variant did you feel better? The high test low deca or high deca low test? I just started my deca and i left my dosages lower so i have room to increase either the test or deca based on how i feel but so far i have 0 problems with a 1:1
High test. I'm more energetic like when you're only on test but still not fully the same. High deca low test is less sides and growth is amazing but damn I get sick of feeling lethargic and tired outside of the gym. I've got a one year old so I can't afford to be too lazy to chase her around and play with her
Personal opinion. Deca side effects vs results as long as it is used correctly with appropriate androgens is one of if not the best anabolic steroids for someone who is not being drug tested.

If you are drug tested, it is about the worst. Very easy to detect, hard to cover up and is detectable for a very long time.
I LOVED and lived on deca but apparently that was the reason I was a crazy jealous angry mfer. When I did cut out deca I saw the light for real. It’s the best for size at least for me well not as good as tren but it gives more the look I’m going for. Apparently if I run deca with testosterone I get very anxious for real.
I’ve used up to 1.600mg nandrolone with zero test and I was fine my cock was working fine my mood was fine no bad side effects that I noticed I only grew and grew and grew very fast and lean but after about 10 weeks it started giving me both high estrogen sides and low estrogen sides.
The thing with deca is it is unmanageable and that’s all its drawback , some ppl included me in the past couldn’t have drawn bloods every week to see what’s up . Apparently if I add nandrolone to my TRT it makes me anxious and paranoid and it’s obvious enough for me to notice and for others around me , but also the gains are very obvious and I can train like a beast full full ROM amazing ROM no joint pains . But it’s unmanageable it’s more okay without test but I can’t be pinning no testosterone it doesn’t feel right for me. So for me that was my end of relationship with deca as much as I love the joint relief I won’t pin it anymore I’ll actually pin some GH and get the joint relief that I’m looking and run the testosterone as high as I like cause it’s manageable and there are remedies for every side effect it gives . And if you’re going to pin a 19-nor why to pin deca and not some tren ? Gives much better gains and it really gives on nandrolone you have the illusion of being big af cause of the roundness but on trenbolone you’re actually bigger and leaner.
After my 1.600mg deca only cycle who all my coworkers and friend’s girlfriends etc had dropped the jaw about the size I transition to 750mg test and 200mg tren , I think my cock grew an inch from the androgenicity
I was heavier more muscular in all the right places and actually drier.

So I think that’s the reason you’re not see it used a lot anymore because it’s unmanageable and if you’re going to pin a 19-nor we have tren and ment who are lot stronger and we actually can pin sky high testosterone with managing all the side effects and who synergies very nicely with GH and slin.
Also ime deca synergies very well with GH in terms of growing but it tends to give that kind of thick skin water. Whereas sky high testosterone with GH doesn’t give because test is also very androgenic expect only anabolic.
Also regarding dick issues, there are numerous cases which ED pills didn't fix the issue. ED from nandrolone most often is not due to high estrogen, it's from progesterone and prolactin (especially if high e2 is present as well)

So, why didn't boner pills fix the issue? Because they act differently in high estrogen vs high prolactin environments?