PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Just do a normal 1-2%ba and 18% BB with it at 200-250mg per ml it’s easy and don’t overheat it and warm the oil you’re adding if it’s mct or gso add warm oil it’s pretty easy…send it out I’m curious

I would do 20mL the first time just to get the better hang of it. Buy a magnetic hot plater stirrer on amazon for like $40. So worth it. Its perfect for beginners
I would do 20mL the first time just to get the better hang of it. Buy a magnetic hot plater stirrer on amazon for like $40. So worth it. Its perfect for beginners
I agree with you 100% and will definitely make a very small batch for the first time, not to mention I have already have a ton of test c on hand. I really appreciate the advice.
I would do 20mL the first time just to get the better hang of it. Buy a magnetic hot plater stirrer on amazon for like $40. So worth it. Its perfect for beginners
Yea that’s what I did I think I made 10 bottles of test prop …test enth is really easy that’s what I use and you can keep ba and bb low.. I just swirled it around but I did get a good calibrated hot plate I remember…it’s easy though not much too it just don’t make high doses or some crazy fucking blend lol