when do you increase mg?


**In a growing phase**

I understand increasing the cals before increasing the mg, my question is mainly do you ever use blood levels as your indicator when to increase mg? Is there a certain value of free and total test that you look to stay above or once you're past a certain level on bloodwork more mg is just a waste?
The goal is to achieve whatever goal you have with the least amount drugs. With that being said, your question seems to focus on test not other compounds. The new new "science" influencer Dr Gymbro would tell you "keep your test levels around 1500 TT and go H.A.M. on a second compound".

Before Dr Gymbro was a thing, guys would and still do blast just test in the grams and it sure as hell didn't look like it was/is a waste.

I really like your question by the way. It will be interesting to see what other people think and do.
I'd rather you incrementally increase the dose as opposed to waiting until you just get fatter on your current dose due to too little AAS/slow progress. Something like half a CC (125mg) every blast.

Assuming every blast is 4 months (4 on/4 TRT)...

1st 750mg +HGH
2nd 875mg +HGH
3rd 1000mg +HGH
4th 1125mg +HGH
5th 1250mg +HGH
6th 1375mg +HGH
7th 1500mg +HGH

Once you get to 1500 you should be pretty jacked.
Thanks for the input guys, so there’s not too much focus on blood levels of free and total test (other than to confirm it’s legit if that’s a doubt).

Just take more test over time as you grow seems like the answer