When to implement HCG if it’s even needed (I want to have kids in the future)


New Member
So as I said in a previous thread of mine, I would be doing my first AAS cycle of just test. I was curious about HCG and I do planning on having kids in the future so I want to make sure I do everything right. Here is what it’s looks like for now:
Test C 250mg/ml
Week 1-16 500mg (2x injection per week)
Week 16-22 12.5 enclo

So my few questions are when would I introduce HCG? What would be an appropriate dosage of it? Would twice a week be sufficient or is it an everyday dose? Also how long am I suppose to wait from my last dose of Test C to start using enclo? I am assuming I would wait a week before starting enclo because of the half life of Test C? Another question, would 1 inch 27 gauge needle work for IM upper thigh or glute (if i figure out how to pin there myself lol)?

I have Nolva and Arimidex on hand as well. Thank you for your input!
I would do a sperm test to see how well you are doing so you can have labs to check back on later to see if you are at your healthy normal.

Some use HCG every other day for the entire time on cycle to keep fertility while others add it towards the end to help regain test and sperm production. I started HCG and Clomid probably a week after my shot and stayed on it till my next sperm test showed I had sperm. Previous test while on cycle showed zero and test before that showed similar to my most recent test so I am at my healthy normal currently.

You can wait a week or start asap, clomid work’s similar to HCG so I think the sooner the better and stay on it till you have tests showing you are normal. If I was to do it all again I wouldn’t use HCG, I got tired of pinning that.
My personal protocol was
Lower t level to around 50mg a week
500iu hcg 3 times a week
75iu hmg 3 times a week
Enclomphine every other day
800mcg selenium
100mg zinc

Worked well paying child support like a mofo..
So I'd recommend to not follow my protocol
Mine was 500 IU every other day, clomid 50mg daily and 75IU HMG three days a week.

I started that for fertility so right now I am only on clomid till wife gets pregnant then it’s back on gear.
My personal protocol was
Lower t level to around 50mg a week
500iu hcg 3 times a week
75iu hmg 3 times a week
Enclomphine every other day
800mcg selenium
100mg zinc

Worked well paying child support like a mofo..
So I'd recommend to not follow my protocol
+1 for this approach. It covers all bases.

But, do a sperm test before you start trying for kids. No point going through all that and the costs associated if you dont actually need it
So as I said in a previous thread of mine, I would be doing my first AAS cycle of just test. I was curious about HCG and I do planning on having kids in the future so I want to make sure I do everything right. Here is what it’s looks like for now:
Test C 250mg/ml
Week 1-16 500mg (2x injection per week)
Week 16-22 12.5 enclo

So my few questions are when would I introduce HCG? What would be an appropriate dosage of it? Would twice a week be sufficient or is it an everyday dose? Also how long am I suppose to wait from my last dose of Test C to start using enclo? I am assuming I would wait a week before starting enclo because of the half life of Test C? Another question, would 1 inch 27 gauge needle work for IM upper thigh or glute (if i figure out how to pin there myself lol)?

I have Nolva and Arimidex on hand as well. Thank you for your input!
I did my first cycle of Test E at 500 mg per week with 2 injections per week. I didn’t use HCG. Post cycle I used clomid only for 4 weeks. Everything was back to normal 6 weeks after clomid. You probably won’t need HCG. But keep that arimidex handy. My nipples started getting sensitive and a bit sore about 3 weeks in. Arimidex fixed that up nicely. Also, PIP will be hard to avoid with your virgin muscles. Make sure you warm the test up first. I put my vial into a cup of fairly warm water for a few min before drawing and injecting. And maybe stick to glutes for first cycle until you get proficient at pinning. That dosage of test isn’t going to sterilise you though. So don’t panic. Enjoy the cycle mate
I am doing the following:
HCG 2000ui twice a week
HMG 75ui twice a week
Clomiphene 50mg a day
Iron supplement, folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin e400

Next thursday i have my second sperm analysis. Will tell you how it comes out, but for the moment feeling quite well
I never used any fertility drugs and told the doctors my past use (blasted and cruised for 7 years) and they suggested just tapering off my test and giving my body 3 - 4 months to turn back on

month 4 my wife was pregnant no issues
I am doing the following:
HCG 2000ui twice a week
HMG 75ui twice a week
Clomiphene 50mg a day
Iron supplement, folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin e400

Next thursday i have my second sperm analysis. Will tell you how it comes out, but for the moment feeling quite well
Plaese do not forget to post the sperms result, please, this is interesting.
@mikelaurey84 i have my test done and result already came via email. Everything is normal, thins to mention from the 1st test that i have done like a month ago.
- I have increase the sperm count in almos x3, it was really low because using steroids and it went from 10million to 28,7 million in just about a month using the protocol. It is considered normal around 38 million
- the movility was also lower than the low limit, and now is hanging well with a higher score than the media :)

So far so good, and i will continue with the protocol to increase the sperm count that is the last thing to get on its point