who likes once a week shot for trt more

For me, sticking with a single weekly shot of 1cc of Test Cyp worked really well. I felt more stable and had fewer fluctuations in mood and energy levels compared to when I was doing multiple injections per week. It’s like my body adjusted better to the steady, consistent dose rather than dealing with the peaks and troughs that come with more frequent dosing

Some people definitely prefer more frequent injections because they think it helps keep their levels more stable throughout the week, but that doesn’t mean it’s the best option for everyone.
It’s like my body adjusted better to the steady, consistent dose rather than dealing with the peaks and troughs that come with more frequent dosing

i think you may have it backwards , imo i get more stable levels doing eod injections of test c
Big difference between TRT (~100 mg/wk) and blasting (1 gram+ per week).

Many anecdotal reports support microdosing. I wouldn't be surprised if some microdosing extremists would do Test U every other day for TRT.

Anecdotally, big fluctuations lead to side effects, but this might not be the case with once or twice weekly TRT test cyp because the difference between peak and trough is kinda low.

I don't have an answer for blasting, but minor fluctuations on TRT doses are more physiological; testosterone naturally undergoes daily circadian rhythms.

Personally my TRT is sustanon 2-3x week. Get some minor fluctuations but nothing to cause side effects. Mood, libido, sleep, skin, etc., all improve. Not dealing with side effects, but this was similar on Test C 2x/wk.

Edit: well I just said a lot of nothingsauce. Thank you for attending my Ted Talk.
2x a week for a long time but the past 2 years I've micro dosed (29-31g), my libido has been shot during this time but markers were all great...might play with taking a break soon from daily back to 2x or even 1x to see if letting my other hormones swing a bit more helps the libido out!
who here feels better off once a week shots for trt? i always see guys who like frequent dosing more.., but i almost feel better from one shot of 1cc of test cyp a week vs twice or three times a week
My TRT clinic does that. I am just in my first week though. Did 150mg last Monday, still feeling OK. Will see how long that lasts though.
I’ve been on trt for 10 years doing 1 x week t cyp in cotton seed oil. Never an issue but recently have had bad left kidney pain for 2 hours after injection. Had blood tests many times t levels at 1100 kidney and liver function normal, no kidney stones present I’m using .4 week. I’ve never tried other esters. Anyone ever experienced this side effect
I'm like steady levels. For TRT Test U e5d, Test C eod. I just do better keeping things nice and stable. Less side effects and issues for me and more stable mood.
so how exactly does the 5nhalf principle work tia ?
According to the research, the specific ester doesn't become 100% stable until 5 half lives have past.

I've seen conflicting numbers on true half lives. I'm fairly certain test decanoate is 7-14 days depending on the oil.

So 5 half lives of an Ester with 14 day half life, becomes stable in 20 weeks.
I thought i was crazy for this? But i feel NOTICEABLY better on 2x a week versus the 3x a week i've been doing for years. I recently switched to this protocol and my libido has returned from the death. But so did my gyno... so yeah, more estrogen conversion maybe making me feel better. Makes sense.
According to the research, the specific ester doesn't become 100% stable until 5 half lives have past.

I've seen conflicting numbers on true half lives. I'm fairly certain test decanoate is 7-14 days depending on the oil.

So 5 half lives of an Ester with 14 day half life, becomes stable in 20 weeks.
If an ester has x days half life you will need roughly 5*x days to achieve stable blood levels and roughly the same for your levels to return to normal.

The only caveat is that you need to know the elimination half life to accurately calculate the days it takes to approach baseline.
I have tried many ways. But for true trt I always came back to injecting once per week. 125mg Test E gives me the best results keeping me in the high end of the natural reference range and all other markers in healthy ranges also. I sometimes have to use an AI anywhere from 1 tab every 5 days or sometimes do 1 tab mon/thurs. This all depends on bodyfat levels. When below 15% bf I find no need for an AI. I have now got some hcg on hand and I am adding it to my trt protocol. Monday 125mg test e follow up with hcg 1500iu Thursday. I find that after a while my libido goes down for whatever reason. The added hcg once per week has helped with this and also I feel better mod wise. So will continue this protocol.
I have tried many ways. But for true trt I always came back to injecting once per week. 125mg Test E gives me the best results keeping me in the high end of the natural reference range and all other markers in healthy ranges also. I sometimes have to use an AI anywhere from 1 tab every 5 days or sometimes do 1 tab mon/thurs. This all depends on bodyfat levels. When below 15% bf I find no need for an AI. I have now got some hcg on hand and I am adding it to my trt protocol. Monday 125mg test e follow up with hcg 1500iu Thursday. I find that after a while my libido goes down for whatever reason. The added hcg once per week has helped with this and also I feel better mod wise. So will continue this protocol.
watch out for e2 rising while using hcg, its been known to play havoc on managing in range e2 even on lower dose test ime