Why do people hesitate to come off?


Coming off has a lot of therapeutic benefits, some of which are arguably necessary. I finished my first blast 3 months ago, and while I plan to get back on, I also want to time it right and not be in a huge rush to go back on immediately. Seeing most people on this forum and who take gear don’t compete, why don’t they want to take breaks from the sauce? I guess if their testicles are as good as dead, they can’t ever come off, but then again, might that also be being caused by people staying on for 8-12 months at a time? Definitely something to be said for leydig cells dying and not being signaled to come back

To be fair, if you have super lofty physique goals, you have less privilege of coming off, but even the gold era guys came off now and then for at least 1-2 months…
Are you meaning come off as in no trt? My opinion is that PCT is stupid. You’re either committed to the sport/lifestyle or you’re not.

If you want to LOOK like your on steroids, you need to BE on steroids.

You can maintain a lot on 150-200 test, why throw away all your gains to look and feel like shit, recover then do it all over again? That’s just stupid to me.

Now if you mean come off and cruise, I think people absolutely should do that, for mental and physically health. But having high amounts of make sex hormones feel very fucking good so there’s always the temptation to stay on.

Also you can maintain fertility and testicular function with HCG for a long time if fertility is a worry.
Ok but do you need to look like you're on all 365 days of the year? Can you not take a 1-2 month break, during which you won't lose a significant amount of actual tissue if you keep lifting unless you truly are big as fuck? I'd reckon that doesn't apply to most guys on gear.
Going 2 months out of the year with no testosterone isn’t healthy. Going 2 months out of the year with no testosterone and taking toxic breast cancer medications is even more unhealthy. My point is just lower the dose to something like 120 test, and stay there for a while. Why put yourself through that?

If I came off as rude that was not my intent:
Ok but do you need to look like you're on all 365 days of the year? Can you not take a 1-2 month break, during which you won't lose a significant amount of actual tissue if you keep lifting unless you truly are big as fuck? I'd reckon that doesn't apply to most guys on gear.
Why do you care what others do? Live your life the way you want. I’ll do the same. So will everyone else. There is way more important shit to think or worry about.
Why do you care what others do? Live your life the way you want. I’ll do the same. So will everyone else. There is way more important shit to think or worry about.
Unrelated but I really like your name. It’s cool but mildly edgy at the same time, right up my alley. I like you
Why because I'm 40 so my natural test has dropped and I'd rather feel 21 and run TRT cruise and blast. Also HCG my guy you can combat your testies and fertility if that's what to think you're saving by doing PCT
Why do you care what others do? Live your life the way you want. I’ll do the same. So will everyone else. There is way more important shit to think or worry about.

You’re missing the point completely. I’m playing devils advocate and talking generally.

Otherwise why question anyone’s choice about anything health related? Why care what others do?
Going 2 months out of the year with no testosterone isn’t healthy. Going 2 months out of the year with no testosterone and taking toxic breast cancer medications is even more unhealthy. My point is just lower the dose to something like 120 test, and stay there for a while. Why put yourself through that?

If I came off as rude that was not my intent:

Many guys here won’t be at or near zero those entire months if they haven’t been on for super long. Like I was saying, if your balls are already cooked by age or a bunch of prior cycles, then maybe yea stay on
Why because I'm 40 so my natural test has dropped and I'd rather feel 21 and run TRT cruise and blast. Also HCG my guy you can combat your testies and fertility if that's what to think you're saving by doing PCT

Honestly a bit paranoid about Hcg due to possibility of prion disease
Honestly a bit paranoid about Hcg due to possibility of prion disease
Go get some recombinant (r-hCG) or roll the dice. Theoretically possible with u-hCG but once you inject you don't have to worry anymore. It's done. Nothing to do but wait 20 to 30 years and find out.

u-hCG is quite a mix of "stuff" lol.
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We live in a superficial world. There are certain standards that we have to meet to be seen. So is bodybuilding, recreational or professional it doesn't matter. We do it for multiple reasons, but one reason stands true for most of us is to look damn good. Now think about it would we do it all just for ourselves? I mean diet is pretty tough when you think about it 365 days a year, but also you need time and put in effort in the gym. That's on top of your job. To be honest if there were no rewards, but just to look good for myself, I would probably not do it, but since sometimes there are some great rewards for the grind, for me personally that's why it's so important to not give up and be better than masses.

Steroids are a tool, just like women put silicone boobs and want big butt we want broad shoulders, muscular armour chests and big arms. Naturally if you don't have elite genetics, you will only go so far. So steroids are the answer. They let us propel in to the next level and yes even Testosterone 200mg per week allows you pass that natural not to mention you can maintain a lot of your gains from bigger dosages.

Welcome to superficial world. You can hate it or you can love it. It is what it is. I prefer to adapt, not to perish. This is what I have to do. I love Testosterone for what benefits and boost of quality of life it provides me. I truly feel much better than natural and I tried coming off thrice now. 600ng total T doesn't do it for me anymore. I start to feel like a shadow of my current self. So I choose to cruise on 200-300mg Testosterone weekly for as long as I can, later in life I will possibly drop to true TRT for health reasons, but for now, I want to live like a lion. It's one life after all.

This became pretty controversial post, some might agree and others disagree which is fine. I gave my reasoning for not coming off.
Influencers and people who make money with their physiques are under pressure to keep the gas pedal down. Personally I haven't seen a reason to come off as far as my health markers go. As for my balls, I don't care about fertility. If I did I would have frozen my sperm before using gear. Testosterone is a lifetime drug. You are not supposed to come off and go back to being hypogonadal. It isn't good for you.
We live in a superficial world. There are certain standards that we have to meet to be seen. So is bodybuilding, recreational or professional it doesn't matter. We do it for multiple reasons, but one reason stands true for most of us is to look damn good. Now think about it would we do it all just for ourselves? I mean diet is pretty tough when you think about it 365 days a year, but also you need time and put in effort in the gym. That's on top of your job. To be honest if there were no rewards, but just to look good for myself, I would probably not do it, but since sometimes there are some great rewards for the grind, for me personally that's why it's so important to not give up and be better than masses.

Steroids are a tool, just like women put silicone boobs and want big butt we want broad shoulders, muscular armour chests and big arms. Naturally if you don't have elite genetics, you will only go so far. So steroids are the answer. They let us propel in to the next level and yes even Testosterone 200mg per week allows you pass that natural not to mention you can maintain a lot of your gains from bigger dosages.

Welcome to superficial world. You can hate it or you can love it. It is what it is. I prefer to adapt, not to perish. This is what I have to do. I love Testosterone for what benefits and boost of quality of life it provides me. I truly feel much better than natural and I tried coming off thrice now. 600ng total T doesn't do it for me anymore. I start to feel like a shadow of my current self. So I choose to cruise on 200-300mg Testosterone weekly for as long as I can, later in life I will possibly drop to true TRT for health reasons, but for now, I want to live like a lion. It's one life after all.

This became pretty controversial post, some might agree and others disagree which is fine. I gave my reasoning for not coming off.
All very fair points, but I’m not saying to stay off for a while. Just to take a break.

Also women getting plastic surgery isn’t a fair comparison. At the end of the day men on gear still have to lift heavy and hard to get anything out of it. And most men aren’t into the plastic look on women, while on the other hand, nearly all women would be into some slightly juicy physique on a guy