Why do we use AI if studies show no need?


New Member
In famous studies by Bhasin (the 600mg of Testosterone Enanthate), the subjects were injected with the whole 600mg once a week.
All subjects showed increased muscle mass, strength and no change in sexual functioning, erectile function. No AI had been deployed, so just Test. These were many subjects, so not just one or two person/persons. At 600mg per week injected once a week, surely their Estrogen levels would be high. But no issues to be seen contrary to most bodybuilding forums and Reddit?

How is it that in the bodybuilding world, AI is necessary for folks to keep estrogen under control, to keep erections and sexual functioning but in studies, nothing in sight?
Care to explain why? What is your problem?
because it seems to me you are implying that millions of bodybuilders are wrong for controlling their estrogen by citing a single study that has nothing to do with estrogen or A.I.

You don't understand how studies work, you don't understand how estrogen works, you're are very ignorant thus using an "appeal to authority"-esque citation (literally the most basic surface level generic study there is )

I don't know if you're trying to make an assertion or you just want to be spoonfed basic information but you should stop posting because we are WAY past this point.

We didn't just start injecting steroids yesterday