I know stretch is around. Ask manwhore they are still buddies
All the labs were good here it's the overexcited estrogen filled bodybuilders here like
@brutus79 and Johnny that made everything look bad because they didn't have anything else to do..
Then it comes out that Brutus is working for biggerben who works for ultimate .. wow really? I wasn't surprised one bit I knew something was up
Stretch always got me good stuff and voodoo stuff was very good otherwise the guys talking about how much pain the high dosed and supposed low blood work test e was giving them would have stopped using it but they didn't they all stayed on the gear because it was legit ..
Minus the 300mg/ml one I brewed that shit was painful but it worked because great white kept using it ..
Also the low bloods on the test prop that were faked was being brought up by weighted chin up whatever that French guys name is because he didn't do his research before he posted the BEWARE VOODOO thread
If he did he would have seen that some dumb ass infected himself with dirty injecting procedures shooting his shit at the gym after a workout in a contaminated locker room with no alcohol wipe and you can ask the guy he admitted to it and then blaming it on voodoo
See weighted chindipshit is good with a computer that's what the French do they sit around and look at computers that's why it looked so bad for voodoo and the other labs but the real veterans here me being the top one without a doubt know better so dance around your little camp fires and tell your little tales of fake gear and infections low bloods blah blah no one cares any more ..
Where's VDS that little turd haha
So anyway about that black pussy I pounded last night