Why I need more AAS then rest to get same effect


Ahoi lads.
I need to ask,but I think answer is my liver disease,hepatitis. But before you start fucking shout : you should not use aas and so on,tell you everyting is monitoring. Nothing changes in more than 5 years even I used most toxical aas.
Let's back on main question. Why I need more aas then rest to get same level? I know every one is individual,but still.
My curent blast is 1g test,450 tren mix,A50 150mg ed. Like pre workout modafinil 100mg,sometimes pwo with dmaa. If test always 1g and more. Previous cycle was 1500test 1g bolda, 100mg tbol ,last 6 weeks added inj vinstrol 500 a week. So,I need high doses,to feel anabolic drive,get muscle gains,positive mood,feel anabolic energy and so on.
Training and diet aren’t as spot on as you think
Proteins 3gr on 1kg=330
Carbs 5gr on 1kg 550gr usualy more
Fat 110gr
Training 4-6 times a week (depends on work). 2 times a day cardio by 30min
Worst problem sleeping time. I starting day 3am going to bed 9-10pm
stop doing cardio and try to sleep more
but its mostly genetics.
youre big man.

Have you really not changed in 5 years?
Are you taking modafinil pre-workout? like anytime in the afternoon?

I think everyone needs high anabolics to feel highly anabolic, the rest placebo themselves or dont understand.

I don't think your doses are too crazy except the winstrol

maybe you need to look into bulking harder
I agree with liter. It's not more aas but about more food. Are you bulking on tren, if so why? Do you get your blood work done regularly? Are your test levels showing a hypo response?
All you talk about is drugs, what about your training stimulus, nutrition to recover and sleep to rest and recover from it all?

If those are maxed out, i would assume youve got dealt some shitty genetics, welcome to the club.

Sounds like you are toxing out your body running that kind of cycle with a messed up liver, perhaps your body is fighting against you.

Too much emphasis on "feel" and feeling the drugs working, sounds like you are chasing a feeling, not a end result from a well put together plan, but what do i know.
Dont get me wrong that diet and genetics are more important, but indivisual response can be very different. Simply metabolising drugs very fast could mean you need more to achieve same drug levels in your blood over time.
But feeling anabolic? Sounds abstract and made up.
You're big and lean. I think you might have severe bigorexia. Do you hang out around mass monsters or permabulkers or steroids?

This can fuck up your mind pretty significantly.

Sure you can try to sacrifice your body fat some and gain a bit more fat and water, as you would arguably even look better a bit more fuller and then gain some more size. But I think it's all in your head - too much is not enough.

My advice is to work on yourself, outside this lifestyle find some sort of balance between things and you might even feel happier after that.
stop doing cardio and try to sleep more
but its mostly genetics.
youre big man.

Have you really not changed in 5 years?
Are you taking modafinil pre-workout? like anytime in the afternoon?

I think everyone needs high anabolics to feel highly anabolic, the rest placebo themselves or dont understand.

I don't think your doses are too crazy except the winstrol

maybe you need to look into bulking harder

All you talk about is drugs, what about your training stimulus, nutrition to recover and sleep to rest and recover from it all?

If those are maxed out, i would assume youve got dealt some shitty genetics, welcome to the club.

Sounds like you are toxing out your body running that kind of cycle with a messed up liver, perhaps your body is fighting against you.

Too much emphasis on "feel" and feeling the drugs working, sounds like you are chasing a feeling, not a end result from a well put together plan, but what do i know.
No,no. I'm not trying from aas get an euphoria. But I can feel on low doses that I'm stroger,no motivation,even no cnages in muscle tonus. Can be,because my liver has hapatitis,so problems with aas matabolism? My english is not well,sorry if I wrote somthing understandable
You're big and lean. I think you might have severe bigorexia. Do you hang out around mass monsters or permabulkers or steroids?

This can fuck up your mind pretty significantly.

Sure you can try to sacrifice your body fat some and gain a bit more fat and water, as you would arguably even look better a bit more fuller and then gain some more size. But I think it's all in your head - too much is not enough.

My advice is to work on yourself, outside this lifestyle find some sort of balance between things and you might even feel happier after that.
Lukiss96 in some point you are right,bro
stop doing cardio and try to sleep more
but its mostly genetics.
youre big man.

Have you really not changed in 5 years?
Are you taking modafinil pre-workout? like anytime in the afternoon?

I think everyone needs high anabolics to feel highly anabolic, the rest placebo themselves or dont understand.

I don't think your doses are too crazy except the winstrol

maybe you need to look into bulking harder
Bro,I mean no changes in liver alat,asat or HBV Dnr copies
oh thats good
i think you are just expecting too much / have body dysmorphia and are limited by genetics.

if you really want to try harder to be bigger, then take less stimulants or less stimulants in the afternoon, so you can sleep more, and maybe eat more.
Bro,the reason,why I can not sleep longer,not because I using stims,but day planing.
3 wake up
3.30 cardio
4.30 job
16.00 finish my job
17.30 gym
20-22 bed till 3 :(
I won't judge your gear use while having a health issue but why you continue using stuff that's stressing your liver further? If i was you i'd definitely ditch anadrol (and any oral in general) and tren. I'd prefer doing a 3gr cycle with test and a secondary anabolic like nandrolone or EQ or primo (or a combination of 3).

Also, are you using any HGH? Have you done any IGF-1 test? I don't know what's happening with hepatitis but if i'm not mistaken when liver is impaired, IGF is low and with low IGF you leave significant gains on the table.

Other than that, i agree with what guys saying about food, training and sleep. You can't go far with 5 hours of sleep man, it sucks but you have to change some things in your life.
Bro,the reason,why I can not sleep longer,not because I using stims,but day planing.
3 wake up
3.30 cardio
4.30 job
16.00 finish my job
17.30 gym
20-22 bed till 3 :(

Bro, definitely skip the morning cardio, lack of sleep is doing more harm than the benefits morning cardio give you. You can do cardio after weight training.

Also, how many sessions you have per week? With a tight schedule like this i believe less is more, 4 sessions per week is more than enough. I believe you need more rest and recovery to grow than more training. The days you don't workout, try to sleep earlier and definitely set the alarm 30-45 minutes later by avoiding morning cardio. Just my opinion.
Bro,the reason,why I can not sleep longer,not because I using stims,but day planing.
3 wake up
3.30 cardio
4.30 job
16.00 finish my job
17.30 gym
20-22 bed till 3 :(
bro you wouldnt be getting 5 hours of sleep and doing 2x daily cardio and gym if you werent on stims

take less stims, stop doing cardio so you have more time to sleep, bulk more
and consider lifting more of a hobby rather than a focus.

Keep up the consistency but stop looking in the mirror so much

I shower in the dark and look at myself shirtless like once every week or two at the gym with a pump

also stop looking at instagram, When I walk around I never see anyone bigger than me
I will do changes: morning cardio off,at work only 9 h working. This is my decision was to work 12h a day. So, I will win about ~4h. Those I can put for sleeping time. Maybe my cns burning too much
Ahoi lads.
I need to ask,but I think answer is my liver disease,hepatitis. But before you start fucking shout : you should not use aas and so on,tell you everyting is monitoring. Nothing changes in more than 5 years even I used most toxical aas.
Let's back on main question. Why I need more aas then rest to get same level? I know every one is individual,but still.
My curent blast is 1g test,450 tren mix,A50 150mg ed. Like pre workout modafinil 100mg,sometimes pwo with dmaa. If test always 1g and more. Previous cycle was 1500test 1g bolda, 100mg tbol ,last 6 weeks added inj vinstrol 500 a week. So,I need high doses,to feel anabolic drive,get muscle gains,positive mood,feel anabolic energy and so on.
Your diet and training suck. Period