
New Member
So recently I decided to check out Multiple different brands in which I ordered TREN E and a couple other compounds to test them to make sure they are Legit and their potency. I am not going to drop any Names yet, but they ALL came back under dosed. Some of them were extremely under dosed. And only 1 of the brands came back ok. I used SEMI QUANT tests and didn’t get one brand that actually sold a pure legit product.
There’s was one test that did give me good results and that was with Testosterone from a certain company. But that same company also sold me other compounds that were extremely under dosed if not fake.
I just don’t understand this. To cut back on compounds potency can’t be saving these guys that much money. But I guess if they do it over and over and over again we’ll than it can. This is just really unfortunate and disheartening. This was a costly experiment but I am glad I did so before putting this stuff in me. Not sure where to go from here but it seems this type of stuff is just going to happen again and again. This isn’t a bitching rant, I just want to share my results and what I just experienced for myself.
Maybe Jano can tell us what a semi quant test is. I'm assuming it's short for semi quantitative, which meant is already has a huge margin of error and is mostly unreliable for accurate measurements.
Well I wasn’t sure if I could post actual pictures and color charts from the Tests I used and the brands I tested. Not sure about the rules on that but everything I did was 100% real. And my post is all true.
I think I already have an idea of "your tests"

Those tests arent quantitative tests, meaning. they dont tell the level of the drug
I was told that sometimes a test can give bad or false results. But honestly these tests from ROIDTEsT have been amazing and I don’t think they will fail often. I get the most expensive tests and test the gear I order from different brands. And all of it is under dosed. I didn’t post Names or photos because I don’t know about the rules with that.. but it’s all true
His SEMI Q results dude.
I want a second opinion though. I think he should send us the gear to double check.
@Metalartsrq It is good you are testing and if you are new I can tell your situation is not unique for noobs coming in.

No source is perfect and they are only as good as their last batch. Yes, the inconsistent and shady sources will absolutely under dose the higher priced items. I've seen many sources even under dose testosterone, which I do not understand. It come down to greed or incompetence.

Testing helps give peace of mind but I agree with the above statement that it does not sound like you have a reliable test if you are mentioning color charts. HPLC is the way to go.

Edit: You got your post in right before I originally posted. Yeah RoidTest is not even close to being accurate. HPLC testing is the most reliable.
I was told that sometimes a test can give bad or false results. But honestly these tests from ROIDTEsT have been amazing and I don’t think they will fail often. I get the most expensive tests and test the gear I order from different brands. And all of it is under dosed. I didn’t post Names or photos because I don’t know about the rules with that.. but it’s all true
We dont use roid test because its not quantitative .

How can you tell if there is 10mg of Test or 1000mg of test?

you need to do some reading... Roidtest is a positive/negative test. it doesnt show number. It wont reveal if its underdosed or ovderdosed.
You’re overreacting guy. Don’t freak out and throw away your gear. It’s probably fine.

Read more here.
I was told that sometimes a test can give bad or false results. But honestly these tests from ROIDTEsT have been amazing and I don’t think they will fail often. I get the most expensive tests and test the gear I order from different brands. And all of it is under dosed. I didn’t post Names or photos because I don’t know about the rules with that.. but it’s all true
Well, you've got the owner of Meso's attention. It sounds like you may be on to something here? Unfortunately not everyone is in such a financially sound position as yourself. I've heard of these tests you're talking about. How much have you spent so far? Maybe we could set up a "Gofundmeatmeso" page and we could all send what we can afford to keep the momentum you've got going?
. I get the most expensive tests and test the gear I order from different brands

I got a suggestion for you. why dont you spend anywhere from $60 to $120 on a hplc lab test for just one of the brands which you claim are underdosed? That way you will know how accurate your shitty roidtest junk is
I was told that sometimes a test can give bad or false results. But honestly these tests from ROIDTEsT have been amazing and I don’t think they will fail often. I get the most expensive tests and test the gear I order from different brands. And all of it is under dosed. I didn’t post Names or photos because I don’t know about the rules with that.. but it’s all true

Didn’t think roidtest identified dosage accurately….

By all means if every single vial you have tested is under dosed, name and shame the source. Perfectly fine here… this is a harm reduction forum. I would certainly be curious what labs are producing underdosed gear.
I would contribute to this. Maybe a poll when funds allow for each new batch of testing to see what members are most looking for?
I apologize. I was being a wise guy. We are so far past Lab Max reagent type testing. The sources here at meso pay to have raw powder and finished product HPLC testing which tells the entire story. Samples are sent in blind...lab has no idea what steroid makes up the sample sent. The lab identifies the compound and what its dosed at. Purity and sterility is also available.

Most labs offer store credit for guys who send their products for testing. Use the Search function and search Janoshik to start. Take your time reading and then fall in line. Follow those who have come before you. All the heavy lifting has been done. Its pretty much a well oiled machine.

There is more HPLC tested UGL gear for sale than ever before. Its a great time to be a user of UGL gear.
If he leaves a bad review of a sponsor will he get banned?
Nope. If the lab was foolish enough to threaten the member posting truth it would be suicide. He's be run off this board by members and banned by the owner. If they popped up on other boards we've dealt with that situation in the past and won. Search "adnan sanat"