Why is MENT/trestolone so hard to find?


New Member
I made this account on here to find MENT after seeing it shilled on r/steroids nonstop. I don't see any suppliers that have it for sale. Am I missing something? Can someone point me in the right direction?
I made this account on here to find MENT after seeing it shilled on r/steroids nonstop. I don't see any suppliers that have it for sale. Am I missing something? Can someone point me in the right direction?
You might want to introduce yourself in the “General Discussion” thread first. Put a little effort into getting to know guys here and then jump into the drug buying.
You clearly haven't been looking very hard. Several of the more popular international raw suppliers carry the raws, as well as the finished oil. A few domestic labs, or the domestic labs of international vendors, do as well. It's really no more difficult to find than primo, but when you do it's expensive.

Order the raw and brew your own!

It is cheaper, but it still ain't cheap like testosterone is.
You clearly haven't been looking very hard. Several of the more popular international raw suppliers carry the raws, as well as the finished oil. A few domestic labs, or the domestic labs of international vendors, do as well. It's really no more difficult to find than primo, but when you do it's expensive.

It is cheaper, but it still ain't cheap like testosterone is.

NOTHING is cheap like testosterone is so I don't really understand your point?

It's cheaper to buy the raws and brew yourself and that's just that!
NOTHING is cheap like testosterone is so I don't really understand your point?

It's cheaper to buy the raws and brew yourself and that's just that!
^^^ this Plus, there are 3 pretty solid raw sources on meso that have been around for a good while. I feel that I’ve had better experience with raws than finished oils from UGL
Did you have your raws tested?
No. However, three folks tested from the 2 sources I use from here. Both very recent and the same batch. Test Cyp came back at 96%+ which isn’t anything to get excited about. The other from source B came in at 99%
the only other raw I use is NPP *sometimes Deca instead* the most recent test was from 9-20-2020 and came in at 98%. However I always overdose by 10% but I do get your point. It’s just as easy to get ripped off buying raws as it is finished oil if it isn’t tested
NOTHING is cheap like testosterone is so I don't really understand your point?

It's cheaper to buy the raws and brew yourself and that's just that!
Sorry, I blurred two posts together and by the time I realized it it was too late to edit my post. That was the point I was making, myself.

That being said, MENT has a premium on it, like primo, that is not often seen in other compounds. Even the raws. Hopefully as it becomes more popular, and it is being popular, it'll start becoming cheaper all around.
I made this account on here to find MENT after seeing it shilled on r/steroids nonstop. I don't see any suppliers that have it for sale. Am I missing something? Can someone point me in the right direction?
Two raw suppliers have it for $55/g. One source who isn’t here but is sort of here has it at 100mg/ml for $140. Another is waiting to get back test results before he brews it. It’s around.