We all know that forums like Brotherhood of Pain and Anabolic Steroids Forum and Professional Muscle charge sources monthly fees to be there. Those forums have moderators that censor or otherwise protect their sources.
It’s a SCAM. The mods never look out for the members, the paying customers, the very people that make their board popular enough to generate income.
Those boards have “reps” who get free products to carry on the banter and backslapping and feel good times. It’s pathetic. Grown men need that to trigger a dopamine release because their real lives are pathetic. Go to any of those boards and see for yourself. “Guys” become groupies. They cannot wait to suck off or ride the sources dicks. You see that nowhere else in the real world.
None of that is acceptable here at MESO. Sources are constantly held accountable and we pressure legitimate product analysis. Guys that are too buddy buddy with a UGL get called out for that weird behavior.
Lab testing holds UGLs accountable. Follow along for yourself at ASF. @Jswole220 submitted samples from Praetorian and the results were way far off. The rep for Praetorian is playing little Mr Bully and flat out attacking Jswole rather than simply handling his business like a real man would. Meanwhile, the mods, vets, and fellow reps are circling the wagons to protect their vested interests. Those guys don’t “look out for you”. They’re there for free gear and money. Prostitutes.
Jswole220 and Praetorian testing
It’s a SCAM. The mods never look out for the members, the paying customers, the very people that make their board popular enough to generate income.
Those boards have “reps” who get free products to carry on the banter and backslapping and feel good times. It’s pathetic. Grown men need that to trigger a dopamine release because their real lives are pathetic. Go to any of those boards and see for yourself. “Guys” become groupies. They cannot wait to suck off or ride the sources dicks. You see that nowhere else in the real world.
None of that is acceptable here at MESO. Sources are constantly held accountable and we pressure legitimate product analysis. Guys that are too buddy buddy with a UGL get called out for that weird behavior.
Lab testing holds UGLs accountable. Follow along for yourself at ASF. @Jswole220 submitted samples from Praetorian and the results were way far off. The rep for Praetorian is playing little Mr Bully and flat out attacking Jswole rather than simply handling his business like a real man would. Meanwhile, the mods, vets, and fellow reps are circling the wagons to protect their vested interests. Those guys don’t “look out for you”. They’re there for free gear and money. Prostitutes.
Jswole220 and Praetorian testing