Hi guys... i have really strange question
Im 23 years old,im on 300 mg test,500mg primo EW and 75 mg anavar ED.Everything is great gains,strenght is awesome but have wierd libido problem.Morning and night erections are good.When i woke up my libido is pretty good but during day i lost it.In the evening i have almost no desire compare to morning.But next day i wake up horny again.I think it can maybe something around food. I found that when i dont eat really long time so then i sometimes have really strong desire.I was on tests and everything from e2,prolactin,cortisol etc.. is in normal ranges.Only my SHBG is 5 where range is 14-60 i think.I read a lot about really low SHBG that it has connection with insulin resistance but my blood sugar is normal.I notice a lot of bloat in evening compared to the morning and my nipples look bigger too.I noticed fastest hearth beat in evening too.I want to ask if someone have some expericence with problems like this ? Thanks and im sorry for my english