Will pct eventually stop working?


after running the first few cycles I've recovered ok so far, my question is will pct stop working eventually to the point that the more cycles you do the less your body recovers, even if done correctly?
How do you KNOW you have recovered from cycling AAS. I ask bc THAT is the most common reason for PCT failure, on either a long or short term basis, IME
Are we saying the only reason for pct failure is because we think recovered when in doubt haven't? Would Bw confirm this?

Or are u saying we never recover and are doomed?
1) Are we saying the only reason for pct failure is because we think recovered when in doubt haven't?

2) Would Bw confirm this?

1) correct

2) correct

3) "Doomed" now your beginning to sound like those who "worry" needlessly.
"doomed" was just trying to understand your "take" on AAS use and pct/ long term recovery....... although everybody is different---- I feel that most AAS users WILL if not already end up on TRT.... The only thing I worry about is trying to "do what I do" in the healthiest way I can. I will admit I can be a bit OCD.

So to answer the op original question, in my OPINION yes we are all racing the clock...
"doomed" was just trying to understand your "take" on AAS use and pct/ long term recovery....... although everybody is different---- I feel that most AAS users WILL if not already end up on TRT.... The only thing I worry about is trying to "do what I do" in the healthiest way I can. I will admit I can be a bit OCD.

So to answer the op original question, in my OPINION yes we are all racing the clock...
That's what I'm thinking. No matter what we will all be on TRT someday.. I made this thread because I was talking to this guy at work who said he's been taking AAS on and off for 10 years and he told me he religiously does PCT and comes completely clean until his next blast. Lee priest is another one who claims to come off everything.. I can't tell if he's telling me the truth cause surely after so much gear use PCT will only work so much until you're left with low T? Dunno if I'm 100% here. What do you think @Dr JIM