Will steroids show on a probation illicit drug test?

I’m sure it can vary depending on your locally.
Where I live they have a little card and the agent can choose check off the boxes for exactly what they want you to be tested for.
Typically it would be for opiates, amphetamines, thc, and alcohol (if restricted). But they can do barbiturates, psilocybin, etc. Especially if you have any noted history of use.

Do they know you have ever used PED’s? Like did you admit it to a social worker or jail intake or anything when they ask about previous or current drug use.

Do you look Juicy? And/or dress in a way that shows off your physique?

And most importantly. Do you think your agent is trying to help you straighten your life up, or wants to help lock your ass back up asap? Because that’s going to be the biggest factor when it comes to something like going at you for a dirty UA for Testosterone.
Probation drug tests cups are 14 panels.but would sust show up on it or at the lab testing for illicit drugs?or is there a complete different test they must use?
I'm on probation right now and going to drug and alcohol treatment. I get uas from three diff. Places and two of them send them in to the lab. I have been on test , anavar , and was on npp for a little bit and I pass with flying colors everytime. So your good I promise you.
Depends on the probation officer I had a friend who literally started dating his p.o and whinded up fucking her the whole time he was on probation and she got him off early, and she wasn't even pissed when they split. But there are so p.o who are fucking jackoffs guys and girls. Most are way more concerned with hard street drugs like heroin, fentyel,meth,coke,benzos if not prescribed, opoids if not prescribed shit like that, it's really only if u fale the panel test that they start sending ur shit to the lab, if ur shit gets sent to the lab and they colored in that dot to check for gear or for everything then u got a problem. But usually even then they don't. Plus shit like nandrolone or EQ stay in ur system for so long idk if they wanna go all the way to trying to determine weither the metabolites are new or old..... Now drug court they fucking test for everything from what I've heard..... I would wear a over sized baggy hoodie just to look small. If u get a girl just be nice and compliment her even if she's is an ass and ugly most likely she's being treated like shit at home. Most of the time also if u tell them ahead of time u fucked up they give u like two to three warning before the violate u. And once u get the first cpl test out the way the less and less they wanna see you as long as ur working paying ur finds being good is all they care about.... And you literally could always go the trt route and get anavar or test and deca legeal prescribed.... If u need a doctor/clinic I got a really cool intelligent doctor that believes in fully maximizing your levels. 150 a month for trt. Includes a 10ml bottle of test cyp 200mg a ml,pins, anastrozole,B12, cilias. And u get always get add on peptides,hgh,deca,anavar,winny. But over that cost more but for the trt and stuff that comes with it 150 a month and he does telemedicine super awesome doc. He does make you get and do bloodwork
Probation drug tests cups are 14 panels.but would sust show up on it or at the lab testing for illicit drugs?or is there a complete different test they must use?
Totally different test. Not normally tested for in a 14 panel but it could be added. If your were busted for steriod use or selling they could test for it. Otherwise i wouldnt worry about it.
Totally different test. Not normally tested for in a 14 panel but it could be added. If your were busted for steriod use or selling they could test for it. Otherwise i wouldnt worry about it.
Some will do a 21 panel test and that may test for "spice" (K2/a couple synthetic cannabinoids) and kratom too. So be aware of that.

But no they aren't gonna test for steroids unless you really make them upset and look like you're on gear then they technically could, but it'd be an anomaly for sure. Be respectful and nice and try to get them on their good side. I wouldn't go doing any deca or NPP, dbol, or anadrol. Anything that's gonna bloat muscles up fast I would avoid, personally.
No you don't have to worry about any steroid showing up on a drug test for parole/probation. The only thing you have to possibly ever sorry about is if they are testing your for alcohol(ETG) on the cups. If you are using any oils that contain ethyl oleate it could possibly test positive for alcohol in your pee because EO turns into ethanol in the body. So be cautious with EO. Also if any source is using liquid orals instead of caps or tablets some of those people use alcohol in the liquid solution for some compounds and that can also make you test positive for ETG. But not a lot of sources do liquid orals.