Got results back towards end of var cycle,liver and thyroid look good,lipids went up a bit after 5 weeks. 135 total cholesterol hdl 23 ldl 102 trigly 52 compared with pre cycle
140 total, hdl,52 ldl 70 trigly 41
She wants to finish var cycle at 5 weeks rather than 6 and go few more weeks on primo to finish the cycle. t pellets are nearing their end,t is 98 at 3 month mark. What would most women do with these results? She has made great gains in lean mass so far.
140 total, hdl,52 ldl 70 trigly 41
She wants to finish var cycle at 5 weeks rather than 6 and go few more weeks on primo to finish the cycle. t pellets are nearing their end,t is 98 at 3 month mark. What would most women do with these results? She has made great gains in lean mass so far.