Women and Post Cycle


New Member
Hi there ladies
I am curious about several issues that have come up during my previous cycle.
1. have any of you experienced too high of an aromatization rate or used AIs to control rising E2 during a cycle.
2. Have you experienced the necessity to use SERMS post cycle to prevent loss muscle tissue and fat gain due to the return of rising estrogen levels?

I struggle with too high estrogen levels at a natural state and it causes endometriosis, acne, bloating, weight gain, inability to retain/gain muscle!

I ran 8 weeks of anavar bridged into 10wks with npp and test p for a total of 12 weeks ending with just npp and test p
npp halted my menstrual cycle and I felt great..muscle gain, fat loss, acne disappeared...however, I got to the 12th week and decided I needed to go off cycle so that I can run another in time for contest prep.
Thats when the trouble began.
As soon as the npp and test wore off my voice started cracking real bad and continued to get worse with the more time off. fat gain has been ridiculous and the muscle loss has been devastating. I feel horrible, sluggish and lethargic again. I was thinking about using a SERM or even a SARM during my off cycle time to combat this.
Also, for the voice, I considered using BCP to get my "female" hormones back, but I have never been able to successfully use BCPs without unwanted dreadful side effects (breakthrough bleeding and irregular cycles painful Menstrual cramping and bloating related to endometriosis) so far the voice has quit worsening and seems to be returning to fairly "normal." It just really threw me off that it was fine while on cycle, but immediately got worse AFTER cycle???/

I would appreciate any insight from those of you who have successfully gone on and off cycle before and what you did to retain muscle, fight fat gain and keep hormones from swinging up and down.
did your mensy come back after dropping the cycle?
I wonder what your other hormone levels might be, you ladies have a lot going on.
test, e2, progesterone, pregnenolone, thyroid etc
Maybe a HRT dose of test would help you, if your natty test is crashed.
Women that go natty between cycles confuse me, where those that can cruise with HRT kinda make it more predictable.
$75 on a female hormone panel would shed some light on whats going on.
I hope some more informed folks will chime in, I've been learning a lot about womens HRT with my wife's therapy and find it both confusing and fasinating
my thoughts too about the hormone panel. But, I'd still be confused on what to do about it...lol Plenty of info out there for men and PCT but, not much for women. Most info I find for women suggests to never take anything but var or winn orals and only for 4 weeks at 5mg per day....HAHAHAHA Im crying over here. That would do NOThINg for me but waste money.

Thanks for your input
Maybe a HRT dose of test would help you, if your natty test is crashed.
Women that go natty between cycles confuse me, where those that can cruise with HRT kinda make it more predictable.
$75 on a female hormone panel would shed some light on whats going on.
I hope some more informed folks will chime in, I've been learning a lot about womens HRT with my wife's therapy and find it both confusing and fasinating
A ladies E2 can go be anywhere from 20 to 300 depending on cycle, so hard to say what number to shoot for there, but you want to make sure you have a little testosterone in you too.
Would a SERM help a woman make a little more test>? maybe

Would a little dose of long ester test, or even some androgel help you maintain a level between cycles? I bet you could cruise at 100ng/dl and feel great
Hi there ladies
I am curious about several issues that have come up during my previous cycle.
1. have any of you experienced too high of an aromatization rate or used AIs to control rising E2 during a cycle.
2. Have you experienced the necessity to use SERMS post cycle to prevent loss muscle tissue and fat gain due to the return of rising estrogen levels?

I struggle with too high estrogen levels at a natural state and it causes endometriosis, acne, bloating, weight gain, inability to retain/gain muscle!

I ran 8 weeks of anavar bridged into 10wks with npp and test p for a total of 12 weeks ending with just npp and test p
npp halted my menstrual cycle and I felt great..muscle gain, fat loss, acne disappeared...however, I got to the 12th week and decided I needed to go off cycle so that I can run another in time for contest prep.
Thats when the trouble began.
As soon as the npp and test wore off my voice started cracking real bad and continued to get worse with the more time off. fat gain has been ridiculous and the muscle loss has been devastating. I feel horrible, sluggish and lethargic again. I was thinking about using a SERM or even a SARM during my off cycle time to combat this.
Also, for the voice, I considered using BCP to get my "female" hormones back, but I have never been able to successfully use BCPs without unwanted dreadful side effects (breakthrough bleeding and irregular cycles painful Menstrual cramping and bloating related to endometriosis) so far the voice has quit worsening and seems to be returning to fairly "normal." It just really threw me off that it was fine while on cycle, but immediately got worse AFTER cycle???/

I would appreciate any insight from those of you who have successfully gone on and off cycle before and what you did to retain muscle, fight fat gain and keep hormones from swinging up and down.
This is interesting...and more common than you think... I have been on and off without issues BUT getting softer, loss of strength and some water/weight gain in those estrogen related areas is common especially when your body is trying to regulate itself. But it also goes back to normal and it's nothing crazy...maybe a fluctuation of a couple pounds. I have seen some of the girls I know, go from solid to bottom heavy pretty quick if they are off cycle for a while. It is critical to continue your on cycle rituals with diet and training and even incorporate additional low intensity cardio sessions.

What I have done, and it works for me... I typically finish off my cycles with a little proviron and Nolva. .. then continue the Nolva for couple weeks and start tapering my dose down... Nolva blocks estrogen and it limits the horrible side effect of our estrogen over powering our bodies which usually results in fat gain in those womenly areas such as bum, hips and thighs. This may work for you if you are typically high in estrogen levels. Or at least help you control it. I'm thinking because your test was elevated because of the cycle you chose to run, your body may have gone crazy trying to compensate for the drop when you stopped... I'm no doctor but that's what I have done and seen with other girls I know...it worked for us.

How old are you? Was this your first cycle? First time with test? Did you end up doing bloodwoork?
36 yrs
first cycle...var alone made me want to jump off a bridge but i couldnt have if i wanted to because my muscles would have cramped up trying to climb to the top of it. :D npp was the solution to that problem but this is the last time with test :) I seemed to handle the npp fine ...i loved it actually, but once test came in the game it got crazy. just taking bcp right now and toughing it out. i should get bloods but whats the use...voice starts cracking and I quit playing lab rat. just gimmie those female hormones back ;) just going to accept fat gain as a hope for not becoming dudely. I made some great gains and that hasnt gone away....just the lethargy that bothers me the most. I got some nolva for my next run. going to go with primo and winny next time.
thanks as always gg!!!!