Working Mans Split

This is the split I do with limited time in the morning before work. It is a super set type workout, working antagonist muscles with only 1-2 min breaks (if any) in between sets.

I have a training partner (my wife) so It makes it easy to utilize two pieces of equipment at the gym.

Example, quads and hamstrings for a super set. If say I go to leg press after the super set, I will take a 1-2 min break between sets (or just go after my training partner is done) and will not do a warm up because it is not needed.

We start a cycle with 4 working sets of 8 - 15 reps then add a set each week until we reach 6 sets. After the 3rd week we drop back down to 4 sets and increase the weight and repeat. After the 6th week, we determine if we want to increase weight and keep going or do a deload week.

We get up at 0400 to be at the gym by 0500. This means we workout fasted and just get some intra workout carbs and electrolytes through what we drink. We also do 30 min cardio on the treadmill after the workout.

Day 1
Exercises 4: 1 warm up + 4 working sets
Day 2
Back & Tri
Exercises 2 per body part: 1 warm up + 4 working sets
Day 3
Chest & Bi
Exercises 2 per body part: 1 warm up + 4 working sets
Day 4
Exercises 4: 1 warm up + 4 working sets
Day 5
Bi & Tri & Shoulders
Exercises 2 per body part: 1 warm up + 4 working sets
Day 6
Day 7
Repeat (start the cycle again)