wtf happened to my brew !?!? oil went hard?

Suspension and you absolutely need heat. It's a process that requires some skill and the end results are worth it :) Here's my test suspension.

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Why does it need heat? It's just test raws and water/BA mix?

I used suspension a few times and truly disliked it. I considered making a vial or two of my own just to try it out but oil based was so much better for me, and test base gel is even better yet.
Why does it need heat? It's just test raws and water/BA mix?

I used suspension a few times and truly disliked it. I considered making a vial or two of my own just to try it out but oil based was so much better for me, and test base gel is even better yet.

You mix the base raw with bb/ps80, heat till dissolved then you mix with the water/ba mixture. To make truly painless suspensions is an artwork to itself and I've got it nailed down ;)
thanks for the tip i had no idea, still just a beginner
ill try this next lot i do
A very knowledgeable member that goes by the name @Test_Subject once pointed out that in high enough temperatures, the oil can melt the membrane and thus make the brew crash while in fact it's the membrane particles that cause it to be permanently crashed.
A very knowledgeable member that goes by the name @Test_Subject once pointed out that in high enough temperatures, the oil can melt the membrane and thus make the brew crash while in fact it's the membrane particles that cause it to be permanently crashed.
Thank you, but I think that you’re mixing me up with someone else.

I know a bit about chemistry but I’m not a brew expert by any means.
Thank you, but I think that you’re mixing me up with someone else.

I know a bit about chemistry but I’m not a brew expert by any means.
Sorry, let me find the original reference and the poster.
Edit : it was @TrennedOutLunatic
But none of the less both of you guys are knowledgeable. Test_Subject, I guess are remembered you because of some important orals talk but that is off-topic.

Original reference : Problems with Testo E. And Tren A By steroidstour
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The water boiling is way too hot. You have broke down the oil some. I saw a podcast recently and they had a anonymous guy on there that supposedly ran a large ugl until it got shut down. Like probably one youve heard of judging by the way they talked about it. He said that when you mess with temps over melting point you risk degrading the product
The water boiling is way too hot. You have broke down the oil some. I saw a podcast recently and they had a anonymous guy on there that supposedly ran a large ugl until it got shut down. Like probably one youve heard of judging by the way they talked about it. He said that when you mess with temps over melting point you risk degrading the product
Yea some people get paranoid about heating their crashed gear. It really doesn’t fuck with the molecule until you get close to it’s melting point. But 100C is really fkn hot, for me the BB starts to vaporize at like 70C so I’ve learned to stay between 50 and 65 per the advice of some gentlemen on the board.
Yea some people get paranoid about heating their crashed gear. It really doesn’t fuck with the molecule until you get close to it’s melting point. But 100C is really fkn hot, for me the BB starts to vaporize at like 70C so I’ve learned to stay between 50 and 65 per the advice of some gentlemen on the board.

It's the hormones boiling point you want to avoid and not It's melting point. Just fyi ;)
I don’t know if this has been said, but legit Primo (the stuff from labeled ‘rimobolan’ from Bayer) is pretty thick.
Guarantee it somehow came from the heat, one way or another.

Idk why ppl are in such a hurry. Mix everything, cover it w handing wrap, and go to the gym or go to bed for the night.
Stir it once when u mix it, if u have time, again a few hrs later. Few things really need much heat and even then ~130F at the end will finish it off...
Or just use a magnet stirrer...