Yo Bros and Broettes!


New Member
Yo Bros and Broettes!

Greetings and thank you to all here sharing the great knowledge and experiences. I'm 50, been training off-and-on almost my entire life, but never tried AAS until about a year ago starting on TRT. The frequent, and sometimes surprising, results from lab analysis really got my attention. I've steadily been improving my knowledge and understanding of AAS since.

Since the gyms re-opened after COVID, I've spent the past three years dedicated to training and strict nutrition. I've come a long way... I'm 6'3" was up to 365lbs, dropped to 240lbs, and now up to 260lbs since starting TRT. Abs are starting to show.

I'm hoping to continue the gains in the gym while maintaining/improving healthy labs and exams.

Wish everyone the best!
