YOH! New Member Here.


MadaFacor here. US based.

A quick review:
-New member.
-Late 40s / early 50s.
-Just recently lost 70 + lbs. Was a total mess.
-Currently 215. My goal is to lose 30+ more depending on how my physique improves and overall body recomp with continued training, diet, lifestyle changes and time.
-Found the gym and am training 5+ days per week for the last 6 months.
-Tracking macros, lifts, sleep, and supplements.
-Now on TRT (160 mgs/week) plus some peptides to aid in weight loss.
-Have experimented with some peptides for healing and sleep improvement with limited success and interested in other exogenous drugs for improved health and physique.

My primary interest at the moment is with HGH for overall wellbeing and improved body composition and antiaging. I feel like I am seeing LOTS of improvement. Like most people who have recently found improved health and a recent gym addiction, I am exploring lots of angles to improve further. However, I am not in any hurry to jump on anything until I get my training and diet further dialed in and start to plateau with my weight loss and athletic gains.

Goals here are to:
-Learn about safety of ordering from both domestics UGL or overseas sources.
-Figure out mail order safety.
-Overall risk reduction and learning about managing PEDs as safely as possible.
Welcome. I too want to lose weight and am taking Tirzepatide (10mg), CJC1295 with DAC (5mg) and ipamorelin (5mg). Would like to build more muscle