zero sex drive

Thanks dper. Well it's been a few weeks and you're right the lack of affection is a BIG issue.
All he says is its not me it's his hormones..... :/
Hormones put me on trt in the long run so there could be a lot going on. Talk him into going to the doc and getting blood test
What do you look like? We are going to need pictures to answer these questions. Don't ask why. It's part of the scientific process.
I will.
sorry I can't elaborate on prohormones.
All he told me is he is taking PCT hormones and something about man boobs...
Ok, hes off cycle and using over the counter products to recover I'd say. They don't work like they advertise. He needs to go get bloods and get taken care of. You don't need the boobie
Tell him to come on here and post his cycle and what "hormones" he is taking now. Odds are he needs a decent restart protocol and that will remedy the issue.

However, photos of you, naked, from several angles, will greatly assist in evaluating the situation.
Yo Girl, there are certain things that have to be done after a cycle of steroids to get your natural hormones back up and running. Tell him to look up Post Cycle Therapy, and learn how to get his nuts working again.
In the mean time, you could post a naked selfie and we'll assure you that you are not the problem :)
Tell him to come on here and post his cycle and what "hormones" he is taking now. Odds are he needs a decent restart protocol and that will remedy the issue.

However, photos of you, naked, from several angles, will greatly assist in evaluating the situation.

Lol light.... As much of a man I am and tempted to speak like this I refrain myself because I think ultimately we could benefit from having a female community one day.
I will.
sorry I can't elaborate on prohormones.
All he told me is he is taking PCT hormones and something about man boobs...
Hey woman.....why do you have to come on here and tell my story to the world? I thought we decided my limp noodle would be private? ;)
Sounds to me like he is getting sex from somewhere else.. Probably his hand..

I give my women more sex than she can handle..
I am starting to think, I may need 2 women.

After pounding her pussy and making her cream so many
times, her legs don't work, and I hate blowjobs..

What was the question, again?
Come on people. The reason he is not interested in sex is because his test levels has crashed, at the moment it's lower than dirt. I guess his pct didn't work so he is stuck in a rut. I have been there, when that happened to me I thought to myself damn, this is what old folks feel like when they don't want to have sex. My wife thought I was messing around and didn't want her anymore. Once I figured out what it was I quickly brought my levels back up. To make a long story short, my wife loves it when I am on cycle. No time to be a kitten, it's all lion for me. His levels are too low that's why he is not interested in sex.
Come on people. The reason he is not interested in sex is because his test levels has crashed, at the moment it's lower than dirt. I guess his pct didn't work so he is stuck in a rut. I have been there, when that happened to me I thought to myself damn, this is what old folks feel like when they don't want to have sex. My wife thought I was messing around and didn't want her anymore. Once I figured out what it was I quickly brought my levels back up. To make a long story short, my wife loves it when I am on cycle. No time to be a kitten, it's all lion for me. His levels are too low that's why he is not interested in sex.
C'mon guy, like four of us said precisely what you just said. Read the thread. Thanks.
Come on people. The reason he is not interested in sex is because his test levels has crashed, at the moment it's lower than dirt. I guess his pct didn't work so he is stuck in a rut. I have been there, when that happened to me I thought to myself damn, this is what old folks feel like when they don't want to have sex. My wife thought I was messing around and didn't want her anymore. Once I figured out what it was I quickly brought my levels back up. To make a long story short, my wife loves it when I am on cycle. No time to be a kitten, it's all lion for me. His levels are too low that's why he is not interested in sex.
How do you know whats wrong with me? I could be jerking off to porn every night. Maybe my libido is fine but my girl wont trim her bush and I dont like playing on grass. Could be a million things but yes you have already repeated what others are telling my woman ;) way to state the obvious!